I always find myself rereading this book every couple of years. One of my favorite classics. ❤️
#classicquotes #TKAM #HarperLee
I always find myself rereading this book every couple of years. One of my favorite classics. ❤️
#classicquotes #TKAM #HarperLee
FINALLY got around to reading this classic. A quick read that offers us a glimpse into the life of the #DeepSouth in Alabama. A reminder of how much has not changed at its core. #TomRobinson #DueProcess #RacismInTheUSA #TKAM
"As you grow older, you'll see white men cheat Black men every day of your life, but let me tell you something and don't you forget it-whenever a white man does that to a black man, no matter who he is, how rich he is, or how fine a family he comes from, that white man is trash." #DontBeATrashWhiteMan #TKAM #HarperLee
#TKAM #MrAvery #snowman #KeepLitsyPositive
My neighbors‘ child‘s snowman reminded me of the scene in TKAM when Jem & Scout wake to snow. They have never experienced snow before, and decide to make a snowman of Mr.Avery out of dirt and snow. It is such a remarkable resemblance that Atticus asks them to disguise it. ❤️📚😂
#bookallusion #BooRadley #TKAM
No murder or mystery yet, but a figure, rarely seen, either human or supernatural, roams the Irish hills. An Apparition? A ghost like “Boo” who had not seen the light of day?
The violinist, Gethsemane, has come from America to Ireland in an attempt to recover from, & hopefully salvage her fall from grace in what had been a brilliant & promising orchestra career.
Love when I find a book alluded to in another book.
This 2015 photo showed up in my Time Hop today. I had it made into a mousepad for work and see it daily, but I still love it a lot. I call it my daughter's Scout Finch photo.
#ScoutFinch #TKaM #ToKillAMockingbird #HarperLee
#WinterStormReadathon #TKAM #civilrights #1960s
This book. Excited by how much I am learning about the history of the movie, the politics, cultural events, scouting for the right actors/actresses,how & why Peck got involved, the story inside the set.