Happy Release Day! 🥳🎉
Book Review- https://www.boleybooks.com/2021/09/06/echo/
#boleybooks #Echo #thomasoldeheuvelt #bookbeast #bookblast #netgalley #bookbuds #NowAvailable
Happy Release Day! 🥳🎉
Book Review- https://www.boleybooks.com/2021/09/06/echo/
#boleybooks #Echo #thomasoldeheuvelt #bookbeast #bookblast #netgalley #bookbuds #NowAvailable
Tackle the TBR 🤓📚 #boleybooks #Echo #thomasoldeheuvelt #bookbeast #bookjoy #NetGalley
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Heute wird es gruselig👻
Ich bin wirklich gespannt auf die Geschichte und hoffe, dass ich nicht enttäuscht werde.
Gilbert passt derweil auf mich auf😁 habt ihr es schon gelesen? Wie hat es euch gefallen?
#thomasoldeheuvelt #heuvelt #buch #lesen #lovelybooks #catsandbooks
Hex is an amazing novel. Thomas forces the reader through a horrifying emotional journey that involves the ghost of a witch who has cursed the town of Black Spring. I had to step away halfway through this book to regroup my emotions. That said, if you cannot handle stories that involve harm to animals or teens killing themselves, DO NOT read this book.
My GR review: https://www.goodreads.com/review/show/1690268100
#Hex #ThomasOldeHeuvelt #horror
With less than 70 pages to go, I have actual chills from this book. Everything that's happening now. It's horrifying, and I can't decide just where Thomas plans to take things, the actual end he's decided must happen, because he's taken things to such horrible, disastrous places, he's made it clear that NOTHING is off limits. #OMG #OMFG #Hex #ThomasOldeHeuvelt #horror #chills #scary #freakingout
It makes a powerful statement to reach "Part Two" of a story two-thirds of the way into a book, and the cliffhanger at the end of "Part One" of Hex is a particularly nasty, dark twist. #ShitJustGotReal #Hex #ThomasOldeHeuvelt #horror #scary
After needing some time away from this book, I'm diving back into Hex. This part deals with the loss of a beloved pet dog. It's almost a year since my dog Page passed. Page would bark a lot, but I already find it hard to remember exactly how her bark sounded, and that breaks my heart. #Hex #dogsoflitsy #Page #ThomasOldeHeuvelt
This line in Chapter 11 cracked me up. As dark as this story keeps turning, the humor is also keeping pace, going for the morbid. Good stuff! #HEX #ThomasOldeHeuvelt #horror #darkhumor #humor #funny #ERMadLibs
I'm 79 pages into HEX, having just finished Chapter Six. Using the Delarosas, newcomers to Black Spring, as a way to deliver the history and origins of the Black Rock Witch works very well. Thomas turns this moment into an event that the reader can't stop reading. Thomas shows some clever use of dark humor, too, as he describes the ghost of Katherine van Wyler as "a paranormal time bomb." #horror #HEX #ThomasOldeHeuvelt #ERMadLibs
I can tell Hex just got its hooks into me. The creepiness of chapter three is a turning point. Thomas has done a nice job winding up this nervous clock, and I can feel the gears starting to turn. #Hex #ThomasOldeHeuvelt #horror #scaryshyte #ERMadLibs