[March07] The Woman In Cabin 10 immediately came into my mind for todays's #MarchMadness #ThrillersSetByTheSea. It's been on my #TBR for the longest time. I probably should start reading this book real soon! 😁
@josteele #Marchphotochallenge
[March07] The Woman In Cabin 10 immediately came into my mind for todays's #MarchMadness #ThrillersSetByTheSea. It's been on my #TBR for the longest time. I probably should start reading this book real soon! 😁
@josteele #Marchphotochallenge
This was a very interesting and suspenseful book, with some interesting twists. #ThrillersSetByTheSea #MarchMadness
Do need to read more by this author!
#MarchMadness #ThrillersSetByTheSea Ok, so I guess it‘s not a thriller but a toked up 70s noir . Still love both the book and the movie.We have an ex girlfriend with a story about the possible kidnapping of a billionaire land developer who she happens to be in love with.There are surfers, hustlers,dopers and a murderous loan shark.Doc Sportello is on the case.Is he unflappable cuz he‘s high or ???
Day 7 of #MarchMadness #ThrillersSetByTheSea I chose the fourth book in Chelsea Cain‘s Archie Sheridan series! It‘s set by a river and then the river takes over in the midst of a dangerous chase of a serial killer. It‘s intense & shocking. Archie Sheridan is one of my favs! - Thanks for posting everyone😃🙌❤️📚#March #challenge #thrillers #read #books #litsy #chelseacain #detective #openbook #crime
#MarchMadness #StandAloneCrimeNovel #ThrillersSetByTheSea
I loved Fiona Capp's last novel, Gotland. I'm pretty sure this is the first time she has tried her hand at crime writing. It's been on my TBR since it came out last year and I will definitely get to it soon! Since it fits prompt number 7 as well I am knocking them both off together. If there was an "author who lives in the next suburb" prompt this would cover that too