Working on my #CampNanowrimo project with my #writingbuddy Minerva! I‘m pleasantly surprised to find myself keeping up the pace 😊
Working on my #CampNanowrimo project with my #writingbuddy Minerva! I‘m pleasantly surprised to find myself keeping up the pace 😊
#Nanowrimo with my #writingbuddy... When I got up to get more tea, Minerva was curled up beside me. By the time I returned, she had stolen my spot 🙄I was beginning to think I was going to have to set up somewhere else because she would NOT let me move her but she decided she was hungry & left 😂 ...and writing resumes. I‘m still way behind but slow progress is better than none at all! How are you doing, #Wrimos of Litsy?
BOO! Happy Halloween, everybody! Boo and I hope you have a spooktacular time!
#readingbuddy #petsoflitsy #dogsoflitsy