I‘m considering teaching a comedy to my AP literature class. They just finished Othello, and they loved it. Thoughts? #aplit #apliterature #apteacher #teachersoflitsy #shakespeare #williamshakespeare
I‘m considering teaching a comedy to my AP literature class. They just finished Othello, and they loved it. Thoughts? #aplit #apliterature #apteacher #teachersoflitsy #shakespeare #williamshakespeare
For Teacher's: have any of you taught The Catcher in the Rye? I have a group of seniors begging me to teach it. I've read it, of course, but have never taught it. I worry about the language. Any advice? #teachersoflitsy #aplit
It's been a long time since I've read Tom. I may teach Huck Finn this year, so I wanted to review his world. #riotgrams #teachersoflitsy #aplit
My view this morning #outsidereading #janeausten #aplit #classics
After a lot of thought and advice, this is what I finally decided for my summer reading. Since this is our first year implementing it, we are only requiring one book, next year we will require two. #teachersoflitsy #aplit
"...All was dead and silent like the stones on which he walked..." #crimeandpunishment #fyodordostoyevsky #aplit #classic
Got some books in the mail:) #crimeandpunishment #fyodordostoyevsky #bravenewworld #aldoushuxley #classics #aplit