Wanted to read my #NicholasSparks book but bf wanted to head to bed since he has to get up at 6:30 am 🍵 so imma read about murder instead of love.
#joyellis #murdermystery #bewarethepast #atfirstsight #thriller
Wanted to read my #NicholasSparks book but bf wanted to head to bed since he has to get up at 6:30 am 🍵 so imma read about murder instead of love.
#joyellis #murdermystery #bewarethepast #atfirstsight #thriller
#nicholassparks #atfirstsight #truebeliever #romance #procrastination #readersblock
I still haven‘t started this book😅😪 I don‘t know what‘s up with me. I just have to work now and I know I‘d rather be reading 😞 hopefully the day goes by fast
#work #nicholassparks #atfirstsight #truebeliever #romance
I. Cannot. Stress. Enough. How. Good. This. Book. Is.
HONESTLY! It kept me super emotional especially towards the end (but I‘m always emotional)! It‘s 4:15 am & I can‘t even think of sleeping! I wanna start the sequel “At First Sight”!
You will fall in love with Jeremy after you realize he‘s not a dick & Lexie you‘ll love from the beginning.
Last quote: “here‘s our miracle” she said. “It‘s a girl”
#nicholassparks #atfirstsight #truebeliever
“I think it happens to everyone as they grow up,”
Jeremy responded. “You find out who you are and
what you want, and then you realize that people
you‘ve known forever don‘t see things the way you
do. And so you keep the wonderful memories, but
find yourself moving on. It‘s perfectly normal.”
#truebeliever #romance #nicholassparks #atfirstsight #quote
Maybe there‘s something about
southern belles that could drive
a guy crazy.
#nicholassparks #quote #truebeliever #atfirstsight #romance
#Bookly is my favourite app!! It track my reading, how many books I‘ve read, etc.
tbh, I was gonna quit on #TrueBeliever but it‘s gotten so good. But now it‘s prob a good time to sleep. It‘s almost 1:30 am
#nicholassparks #atfirstsight #
Started a Nicholas Sparks book .... It‘s the total opposite of Stephen king so fingers crossed that I like it
#nicholassparks #stephenking #truebeliever #theoutsider #atfirstsight
The TBR of books I want to get to in the next few weeks
#nicholassparks #twobytwo #atfirstsight #thesunisalsoastar #nicolayoon #stillalice #lisagenova #allthelightwecannotsee #anthonydoerr #ruinandrising #leighbardugo #books #reading