I'm not very far on AVI. There is a lack of audio books for download which surprises me. I know they exist on tape and CD but I have no way to play those. #avichallenge
I'm not very far on AVI. There is a lack of audio books for download which surprises me. I know they exist on tape and CD but I have no way to play those. #avichallenge
2.5⭐️ barley
Avi, how cold you have done me so wrong. It‘s not that this book is bad, it‘s not. It‘s just boring. The reader follows two storylines that eventually converge. Nashoba is the old wolf who‘s inability to lead his pack to food during the “starving time” instigates his ousting. Casey is a human boy who receives a long bow for his birthday. It‘s this weapon that brings him in contact with the old wolf.
#beatthebacklist #avichallenge
When Tom‘s father dies fighting for his county, Tom must go to work to help support the family. He will get a ring side seat in history as he helps build, launch, and fight on the Monitor. The Monitor was one of the first two ironclads in american history. Avi is always about his best when he puts a younger reader in the middle of history. He writes with authority, but also heart as you go through the trials and tribulations.
Full review GR
I love this book. Of course he doesn't feel great. You should see the arguments with the kids when we discuss this live.
Way too many
1 #mountTBR 36
2 #litsyatoz
3 #fowladay
4 #hisdarkmaterials
5 #avichallenge
6. #picturebookchallenge.
Every year I pick and author and read as many books of this as possibles. This year I chose Avi. Many of these will be reread, but not all. And he's still writing with a new one either just out or due soon. #avichallenge