Started watching Between the covers on BBC iplayer after seeing a recommendation on Facebook and it‘s making my TBR list explode! #betweenthecovers
Started watching Between the covers on BBC iplayer after seeing a recommendation on Facebook and it‘s making my TBR list explode! #betweenthecovers
As recommended by Rachel Parris on ‘Between the covers‘, this was really good! Like if Robin Hobb wrote Harry Potter for adults! It‘s a chunkster and I got restless at the 3/4 mark (prob more me than the book!) but amazing world building, characters to really root for and a plot that keeps you guessing! A fab read! 👍 #betweenthecovers
I‘ve just been catching up on this on BBC iPlayer. It‘s not doing anything good for my TBR!
Favourite guests so far have been Sarah Pascoe and Richard Osman.
Spending this splendid Sunday between these covers. I‘ll get to the chores later... 😉
Have a great day everyone!
#spinningsilver #betweenthecovers #currentread #summerreads
Good morning readers. I'm up, ate breakfast and made my tea ☕️ I'm having a read-a-thon this weekend so I'm getting started. If I get 12 hours done today, I can get the other 12 hours done tomorrow. #betweenthecovers #readathon #24hours