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Friday night at the pool. ☀️ Zero complaints!


BarbaraBB You‘ve been reading a lot 🙌🏽 4w
britt_brooke @BarbaraBB Yes!! And I‘m very behind on posting reviews. 🫣 4w
BarbaraBB I can imagine, relaxing at the poolside 🤍 4w
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Art in Nature | Tove Jansson
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I'm so sorry to clutter your feed with a picture of a lemon ?, but I couldn't resist buying this amazing fruit, it looked so tempting! Now, to justify buying it, I'm making a White Lady cocktail ?, and to justify posting about it, I'm going to read the story in which I first came across the drink, Tove Jansson's eponymous "White Lady" from the tagged story collection ???

Deblovestoread Sound reasoning! Enjoy 🍸 3mo
UwannaPublishme Cheers! 3mo
dabbe 🍸 🍸 🍸 3mo
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TieDyeDude I'm glad you got that all sorted BEFORE you started drinking 😅 3mo
Bookwomble @TieDyeDude I genuinely fell in love with that lemon first then had to think of something to do with it 😄 It's an Italian Amalfi lemon, and a tad more expensive than your common lemon, so a bit of a treat, but it sure did taste good, even before I added it to gin! 3mo
batsy Never apologise for lovely photos! It's like a still life painting featuring lemon 😁🍋 3mo
Anna40 😆 I like the lemon too. It‘s gray here in the north of Michigan so sunny yellow is nice 😉 3mo
marleed Lovely pic! 3mo
Cathythoughts That‘s a great photo 💛 3mo
Bookwomble @batsy @Anna40 @marleed @Cathythoughts Thank you all for the Lemon Love 🍋💛🍋 I feel validated 😄 3mo
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This is the MC's drink of choice: straight gin with *loads* of angostura bitters! 🍸
What to call it? The Thomas Jerome Newton? An Anthean Martini?
I cannot drink it in the volumes that Newton does, and it won't be a regular feature on the drinks trolley, but it does taste medicinal, so perhaps if I need a bracing pick-me-up?

Ruthiella Cheers! 🥂 But I‘m with Dr. Bryce. I don‘t like the taste of gin. 4mo
Bookwomble @Ruthiella Cheers! 🥂😊 Despite being a whisky and soda man, he still managed to put quite a lot of gin away when he had to! 😄 4mo
batsy Am quite partial to gin, I must admit. Especially if it's the Botanist 😆🥂 4mo
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Bookwomble @batsy 🥂 Tommy would drink to that! 4mo
kwmg40 I'll have to try an “Anthean Martini“ sometime! 😄 4mo
Bookwomble @kwmg40 I managed to get it down, but it definitely tasted like a drink the bartender didn't finish making! 4mo
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The Silmarillion | J.R.R. Tolkien
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There are so many parts of The Silmarillion that I truly enjoy when rereading, but this has got to by my favorite story. I love Luthien‘s strength and dedication, and Huan is another amazing character. I read a few pages last night and then listened to all of it today.

#FellowshipOfTolkien #Silmarillion #BooksAndBooze

Ruthiella I was wondering where you got your dog‘s name! 4mo
Daisey @Ruthiella Glad you saw this one to figure it out! My vet has given up on knowing where my pet names come from but has learned it usually is book related. 4mo
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Poetry for the Many: An Anthology | Len McCluskey, Jeremy Corbyn
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Sometimes poetry and vodka is the only thing that's gonna make you feel any better #BooksAndBooze

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All right, nerds, let's do this!

When I first read LOTR (so many years ago now, good Lord!), I didn't get Tom Bombadil- who was he? Why the heck was this twee little thing intruding on what I thought would be a cool, dark adventure story? I have to say I've never quite warmed to Tom over the years, but here's hoping that this re-read of his adventures shows me something new! #FellowshipOfTolkien #TolkienBirthdayToast

emz711 I love that! 7mo
JazzFeathers Tom Bombadil is really such an elusive character. Took me several reread to become fascinate with him. 7mo
JazzFeathers And what's that book about the Inkling? 🤩 7mo
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Andrea313 @JazzFeathers I've had it several years and am finally getting around to reading it! Find it here: 7mo
JazzFeathers @Andrea313 Is it goo? I'd love to read something about the Inklings. This isn't the one by Carpenter, is it? I do have that one, but I haven't read it yet. 7mo
Andrea313 @JazzFeathers This one is by Phillip and Carol Zeleski. I like it so far! If you've read a lot about the Inklings, it could be redundant info, but so far I'm enjoying it. 7mo
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Anyone else partaking in the #TolkienBirthdayToast? At 9 pm, I'll have the tagged book in one hand and a whisky in the other! #TheProfessor #BooksAndBooze

Daisey I‘ll be starting The Adventures of Tom Bombadil and enjoying a toast! 7mo
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The Novel Cure: An A to Z of Literary Remedies | Ella Berthoud, Susan Elderkin
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I love when it's finally time to open up that book that's been sitting on your shelf for years! I don't know how or why the "right" time presents itself, but who am I to question it? Digging into this title with some brandy-spiked eggnog. Bibliotherapy indeed! #CurrentlyReading #BooksAndBooze #bibliotherapy

Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Beautiful 😍 7mo
LeahBergen I‘m so much like that as to which book “falls” off my shelves into my hands. 👍 7mo
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Shuggie Bain | Douglas Stuart
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Next up. Looks like an uplifting feel-good read. #BooksAndBooze #InappropriateHashtagForThisBook

Karisa 😬👏👏👏 10mo
Ruthiella Ooof! 😬 10mo
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This is a brilliant collection. Gerry's poems evoke and reflect on the joy and pain of life in his unique Scouse voice. Me and my family are going through a really crappy time at the moment and this book was exactly what I needed. This is what poetry should be. Can't wait to read 6A Blackstock Gardens. #BooksAndBooze

squirrelbrain Sorry you‘re having a tough time. 10mo
arlenefinnigan @squirrelbrain ta. Life's life, innit x 10mo
Ruthiella ❤️❤️❤️ 10mo
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