#BooksThatMadeYouCry #AugInBooks18 @bookisglee
The first book that ever made me cry... and it still does 😭 love this story 💙
#BooksThatMadeYouCry #AugInBooks18 @bookisglee
The first book that ever made me cry... and it still does 😭 love this story 💙
Catching up on #Riotgrams! This is one of the first books that came to mind for #BooksThatMadeYouCry. "Elf and Yoli, two smart and loving sisters. Elfrieda, a world-wide pianist, glamorous, wealthy, happily married: she wants to die. Yolandi, divorced, broke, sleeping with the wrong men as she tries to find true love: she desperately wants to keep her sister alive." This book challenged me. This book wrecked me. #CanLit
#readingwomenmonth prompt #womenofcolor and #riotgrams prompt #booksthatmadeyoucry collide! It's been a while since I read a memoir, and I'm so glad I picked this one up. She speaks so candidly and thoughtfully about the hardships she's faced, always pausing to explain what they've taught her and the things she's learned since: she's kind with the way she educates her audience. I admire her more with every page, she's a wonderful role model.
I cry easily. So easily. I went through my pics and picked some reads that have made me cry recently. #riotgrams #BooksThatMadeYouCry #BooksThatMadeMeCry
Of all the #BooksThatMadeYouCry, this was the most devastating. Especially since I was at work, so I had to hold in what needed to be gut-wrenching sobs. It was awful. #Riotgrams
Let's just say this book isn't for the faint of heart... #booksthatmadeyoucry #riotgrams #day18
Day 18 #riotgrams #booksthatmadeyoucry. I sobbed like a baby at the end of this one. My poor dog was confused and concerned. Such a good read.
The Order of the Phoenix and the Deathly Hallows are my choices for both the #fathers and #booksthatmadeyoucry prompts. Sirius Black and Dumbledore were my favorite father figures for Harry and their deaths hit me hard! #riotgrams #junebookbugs