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Life‘s too short to be voluntarily annoyed and hate read this any longer.
I loathe this MC.
There should be a sub genre of ‘menopause‘ books- insufferable privileged women spending money to find solutions to their life.
Definitely a lot to discuss here.

Ruthiella Love this review! I liked it for what it was. July pushes boundaries, but your assessment is not wrong. 😆 2mo
Librarybelle Love this review! One of my favorite bailed reviews I‘ve read! 2mo
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squirrelbrain You might still be able to contribute at the weekend! 🤞 If it doesn‘t upset you too much…. 2mo
Susanita I‘m hanging in there so far, but yeah she is…a lot. 2mo
TrishB @Ruthiella I think it‘s because I don‘t think the boundaries are real. Woman has mid life epiphany needs a lot of sex. 🤷‍♀️ lots to discuss! 2mo
TrishB @squirrelbrain I think I have a lot to say! Probably none of it relevant 😁 2mo
TrishB @Susanita you‘re very diplomatic 😁 2mo
Susanita Actually, I read a few more pages and decided to bail too! 2mo
julesG 👏👏👏 2mo
dabbe I think I'll skip this one based on this review. #hailthatbail! 🤩🤩🤩 2mo
Megabooks I‘d still love to hear your thoughts. Seriously! I love menopause reads, but I can definitely see how they‘re marmite. 2mo
BarbaraBB Lots to discuss. I am not a fan of menopause books per se but I liked this one much more than Sandwich, which I know you preferred. I do think J won‘t read the new Lombardo soon, having enough of menopause books for now! 2mo
Hooked_on_books I thought the menopause bit had a lot of potential and could be interesting, if the book would stop focusing on sex for two seconds and act like there‘s more to life than that. I don‘t blame you at all for bailing. I probably should have. 2mo
Oryx Love this review! I've been so looking forward to seeing the reviews of this come in 2mo
DGRachel I could not agree more! I love this review. 2mo
TheBookHippie I bailed… I couldn‘t even hate read it 🫣😬😵‍💫😝 2mo
TrishB @Megabooks I definitely have plenty of thoughts! 2mo
TrishB @BarbaraBB I think I liked Sandwich as there was some humility, normality and humour! But still a bit privileged. I didn‘t find any of those in this one! Like you I may give them a miss for a bit. 2mo
TrishB @Hooked_on_books agree. It seems the only ‘solution‘ to the menopause is to throw off the shackles of life and have lots of sex. Hard enough getting the menopause taken seriously as it is. 2mo
TrishB @Oryx @DGRachel @TheBookHippie it definitely makes for strong opinions 😁 2mo
TrishB @Susanita 👍🏻 2mo
Caroline2 “Voluntarily annoyed” love that expression Trish!! Yep, life is defo too short to spend with books that wind you up!! ? for me, the real privilege came later when she‘s all blasé about her annual gynaecologist appt who then just did a hormone test and got her on hrt like it was nothing. Cor, can you imagine that in this country!???? 2mo
TrishB @Caroline2 getting the app would be one battle, being taken seriously would be a step too far! Fantasy. 2mo
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