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All the Birds in the Sky | Charlie Jane Anders
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A little behind on my reviews...

I really tried with this one. I got about halfway through and realized I couldn‘t care less what would happen. The characters were just too depressing when they were kids and uninteresting when they got older. The pace and story just weren‘t working for me.

#cantwinthemall #nolatefees

JCPaulk My wife kinda liked it, but it wasn't for me either. 5y
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What a bummer. I don‘t think I‘ve ever panned a cozy before. Usually, there‘s a chapter or two of buildup before the murder happens, but this one happened within the first 10 pages. The MC was pretty weak. Normally, the MC is sticking their nose where they don‘t belong to solve the mystery but this one just came off as annoying. Even the other characters thought so. I also thought there‘d be more time with the dog, hence the photo. #cantwinthemall

DGRachel I have that puzzle! (Sorry the book was a bust - that's really disappointing). 5y
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I like how Penny uses really intelligent characters but she always puts them in unrealistic, somewhat ridiculous scenarios. This is the first book in the trilogy and I don‘t even need to read the next two because she‘s already set it up the same way as her other series. The way the story is setup, there‘s only one way for it to end so what‘s the point of finishing when I can use that time for other books.

#corisoflitsy #meh #cantwinthemall

Nine Perfect Strangers | Liane Moriarty
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This book was just alright for me. I liked the idea of it and the characters were good but it got a little lost and crazy in the middle there. The ending was good and everything wrapped up nicely. Not one of her better books.

#cantwinthemall #dogsoflitsy #corgisoflitsy

Rachel.Rencher Corgi! 😍 I have a tri-color 🤗🐶 6y
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The Masked Truth | Kelley Armstrong
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This was a long read for me and not just because I‘ve been too tired to read a lot at night. While the story was good it felt really drawn out. Just felt like the characters over analyzed everything. Not my favourite Kelley book.

Juno though it smelled good though.

#corgisoflitsy #dogsoflitsy #cantwinthemall

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This one was just a bit too sad and uncomfortable for me right now. #cantwinthemall

Burghbookaddict Yeah I finished this and I wanted to like it but its soooo problematic. Not trying to start an argument, but this book is about a pedophile, period. 6y
DimeryRene @BurghBookAddict ^^^ yup. I finished, but I felt pretty weird. Definitely a pedophile story anyway you slice it. 6y
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This book was going no where fast for me and there‘s just other books that I‘d rather be reading so I decided to bail.


JenlovesJT47 Life‘s too short to read books you aren‘t enjoying! 6y
CoverToCoverGirl What Jen said. ⬆️ 👍 6y
Erika13137 @JenlovesJT47 True story! 6y
Jenny I found this one only meh for me too. Her Curse Workers series will always be my favorite. 6y
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The Hound of the Baskervilles | Arthur Conan Doyle
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It‘s only 169 pages but this book took forever to read! 😒

The long dialogue and explanations this book had just made it really unenjoyable. Had to finish this for Readinng Rumble this afternoon or I would have bailed.

#cantwinthemall #corgisoflitsy #dogsoflitsy

No Title | None
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Branded by Kelley Armstrong.

This was just a short story by Kelley and it wasn‘t her best. I mean you can only do so much with 80+ pages but really wasn‘t feeling it.

#cantwinthemall #corgisoflitsy #dogsoflitsy

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My beautiful Juno is out of her cone and super fluffy after her bath. This book was just on the cusp of pick vs. so-so. Penny Reid writes funny characters with great one liners but her books just tend to drag. I liked it but kept looking to see how soon I was going to be done.

#cantwinthemall #corgisoflitsy #dogsoflitsy

LauraBeth 😍😍 6y
AmyG Adorable 6y
CoverToCoverGirl Hello there, Juno! Shake a paw? 😂 6y
BookwormAHN Sooo cute 💜 6y
KateFulfordAuthor Erika: If you like funny characters and snappy dialogue, may I recommend my debut to you? It has a sassy female narrative, a well developed cast of characters and a page turning plot. All the information you need (summary, reviews and more) is available in the link in my bio. Thank you, Kate. (edited) 6y
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