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Day 24 - #Bridges #MagicalMay
#TheGreatBridge #DavidMcCullough

I read this in 2011 and enjoyed it very much. Very interesting!

Eggs Oh how fascinating- I love bridges 🌉 4y
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#GreatBridge #DavidMcCullough #LetsTravelAugust

I read this book in 2011 and enjoyed it very much! It is about the building of The Brooklyn Bridge. McCullough is an awesome writer! Who would think a book about a bridge would be so interesting!

Scochrane26 Apparently, the architect of the Brooklyn bridge also designed a famous bridge in my area. High Bridge in KY. It doesn‘t have the arches like Brooklyn bridge anymore, but it‘s the highest train bridge over a navigable stream (ky River) in the US. 5y
Texreader He can make a cardboard box fascinating. He‘s a great writer. 5y
EadieB @Scochrane26 Thanks for your comment! Very intereting! 5y
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EadieB @Texreader Yes I agree! He's very readable! 5y
OriginalCyn620 👌🏻❤️📚 5y
MicrobeMom My husband is currently reading this one and very much enjoying it! 5y
EadieB @MicrobeMom Nice! It is a very enjoyable book even if it's about a bridge! lol 5y
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The Wright Brothers | David McCullough
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I‘ve always been obsessed with air planes and flight, so this book was right up my alley. I enjoyed the story of the invention of the first air plane by the Wright Brothers and battle for recognition of their accomplishments. Over all, I would absolutely recommend this book. It‘s a little slow getting started, but it‘s worth the build up.

GingerAntics I guess this book builds in the same manner of the first air plane did, from successful glider to successful powered plane. It took more time in the beginning than it did once the got the basic mechanics down. I can only imagine what the Wright Brothers would make of today‘s air craft and the recent MAX 8 tragedies. I can only imagine them rolling in their graves over 9/11. These were good guys, mostly, who did an amazing thing. 👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻 6y
GingerAntics The Smithsonian playing politics even decades later is despicable. At least they‘ve finally gotten it right now. My only issues with this book are more organizational than anything. If you‘re going to break up your chapters into parts, just make them different chapters. I also didn‘t feel like some of the details at the beginning were necessary. 👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻 6y
GingerAntics How was “the sitting room to the left of the door” important to the narrative of the invention of the air plane? Just saying. My only other complaint is more a disillusionment with BS. A continuing theme throughout is that anyone with the drive and determination could have invented the air plane or done anything else. It was just the Orville and Wilber had it more than other people. 👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻 6y
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GingerAntics I despise this type of thinking as it diminishes the Wright Brother‘s actual achievements (even if this was how they thought), but it also makes people who are held back for any reason (economic, racial, gender, etc.) at fault for their failure. 👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻 6y
GingerAntics A confusing aspect was that everyone during their lifetime touted their achievements as what man can do if he sets his mind to something, but then later people said their achievements were because of their upbringing. #wrightbrothers #flight #davidmccullough #thewrightbrothers #firstairplane 6y
Eggbeater Great review! 6y
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The Wright Brothers | David McCullough
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I‘ve been trying to figure out where I‘ve heard David McCullough‘s voice before. Then it hit me: he‘s the narrator of Ken Burns‘s documentary “The Civil War.”
#davidmccullough #thewrightbrothers #narrator #thecivilwar #kenburnes

Tamra Yes! Love his writing & voice. 6y
GingerAntics @Tamra right? There is something so authoritative, yet very soothing about his voice. This is he first McCullough book I‘ve read, so I don‘t know as much about his own material. I‘m quite enjoying it, however. I‘m definitely going to have to look into more of his own historical work. 6y
Amiable He‘s a fabulous historian and writer. Love his work. 6y
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CBee My husband is a history buff/genius 😂 One of his favorite documentaries is Burns‘ “The Civil War.” 6y
GingerAntics @CBee I love that documentary. 6y
CBee @GingerAntics it‘s amazing. Really anything Ken Burns does is incredible. 6y
GingerAntics @CBee I‘m trying to think if I‘ve seen any of his other stuff. I know I wanted to watch the World War documentary he did, but I got outvoted when it aired on PBS. I‘ll have to go in search of more of his documentaries. 6y
CBee @GingerAntics hubs says he‘s done one on WWII, Vietnam, oh and the National Parks one (he hasn‘t seen that one). All excellent. 6y
GingerAntics @CBee not a huge fan of the world wars, especially with the way people talk about them now. The National Parks one sounds wonderful. Good thing Burns did a documentary on them, as at this rate we won‘t have them much longer. 6y
CBee @GingerAntics I can understand that. Let me know if you watch the Parks one, it sounds amazing! 6y
GingerAntics @CBee especially after reading this and hearing about how much Orville was hurt by their invention being turned into a weapon the way it was, I think I need more distance from this before I can see the WWII documentary. lol I‘ll keep you posted. 6y
CBee @GingerAntics you learn something new every day - I didn‘t know that 😕 6y
GingerAntics @CBee yeah Wilber was dead and Orville watched on as WWI raged and said something along the lines of they knew it would have military applications like transport, but they never imagined planes would become bringers of death and destruction like that. He said he didn‘t regret anything, it just saddened him. (edited) 6y
CBee @GingerAntics oh, that‘s sad. I can‘t say I‘m surprised. War, what is it good for, right? 😢 6y
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The Wright Brothers | David McCullough
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Raised by a preacher, all three brothers and their sister were free to read and contemplate anything they wanted. On top of that, the brothers decided to stop attending church and their father was fine with that as well.
#thewrightbrothers #davidmccullough #audiobook

readinginthedark This is how it was in my house. Raised going to church but encouraged to explore and form various ideas. 6y
GingerAntics @readinginthedark I feel like that‘s how it should be. You can believe what you want, but your children need to be free to believe what they want, they need to be free to be fully educated. The idea of restricting a child‘s education is just wrong. I‘m sorry, but it‘s child abuse. 6y
readinginthedark I agree. I have discussions like this a lot with my son, where he'll ask me questions about God. I always ask what he thinks and then answer with, "Well, this is what I believe...many other people believe this...or this...[etc]" And then I usually recommend that he read and learn more about the topic before forming his own definite opinion, as well as allowing for change over time. I mean, every individual believes something a little different... 6y
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readinginthedark ...from the next person, no matter what they say, you know? 6y
GingerAntics @readinginthedark I absolutely completely agree!!! YES!!! I wish more parents did that. That‘s an absolute parenting win right there. I see so much indoctrination and I‘m seeing how it‘s hurting my friends as adults now and I wish parents would just love their children no matter what they find to be truth for them. 6y
readinginthedark Thank you! I see that, too. Maybe we can leave this world a little more loving and open-minded; that's all I want. 6y
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The Wright Brothers | David McCullough
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Getting started on this beauty. I‘ve always been a huge fan of flight and airplanes (Max 8‘s not withstanding), and I‘ve been on the wait list for this for a long time. I‘m excited to finally get to sit back and enjoy this audiobook.
#thewrightbrothers #davidmccullough #audiobook #audiobookandtea #audiobookwithbreakfast

1776 | David McCullough
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chapter_fifty2017 That is a great stack but would rather be reading 7y
chapter_fifty2017 Chris Bohjalian😉 7y
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