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I haven‘t done a lot of reading in the latter half of the year, but what I have read has been substantive. Including this, a collection of essays on war and justice. I found this collection bracing, full of writing which challenges a status quo. Similar to A People‘s History, this is full of more nuanced history as well as reminders of the social changes that have been made by people working in solidarity through nonviolent active resistance. ⬇️

psalva It covers a large swathe of topics, including Machiavellian Realism in U.S. foreign policy, violence and human nature, economic justice, free speech, and Communism and anti-Communism. I found it immensely thought provoking throughout. Five stars. 10mo
Reggie Have you ever watched Squid Game? There‘s an original series and then there‘s this challenge series based on the original. And you have to see near the end what steps people take collectively to try and do things as a team versus doing things that might harm someone‘s feelings. Only one person can win the prize money and it surprises me that they think communally vs me, me, me. Great review. 10mo
psalva @Reggie I‘ve seen the original series but I was nervous to watch the new show. I might check it out though. That sounds really interesting :) 10mo
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On the Use and Abuse of History:
“We do need to learn history, the kind that does not put its main emphasis on knowing presidents and statutes and Supreme Court decisions, but inspires a new generation to resist the madness of governments trying to carve the world and our minds into their spheres of influence.”
These essays are breathing some fire into me today.

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Here's my #bookhaul from yesterday's #librarysale. Not bad for $9!

Leftcoastzen Very nice! 6y
RadicalReader @2BR02B what‘s the tattoo on your wrist say? 6y
saresmoore Excellent! 6y
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AmyG Nice haul! 6y
goodbyefrancie Wish we had Zinn's voice to add to the world now. Great stack! 6y
2BR02B @RadicalReader It's my name in Sanskrit (Dana). In Buddhism it refers to the practice of cultivating generosity. 6y
2BR02B @goodbyefrancie I know. I've been thinking of him often recently. 6y
RadicalReader @2BR02B such a wonderful idea for a tattoo so marvelously terrifically talented 6y
Valink My library book sale is coming up in a few weeks. I‘m going to try not to buy anything else until the sale, we‘ll see if I stick to it! 6y
tammysue Nice! 6y
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It‘s Zinn‘s Birthday 🍰

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I miss Howard Zinn...

1776 | David McCullough
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chapter_fifty2017 That is a great stack but would rather be reading 7y
chapter_fifty2017 Chris Bohjalian😉 7y
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They want to ban this treasure?! I learned more from this book than in my first 14 years of schooling and it made me feel proud to be American for the first time in my life! Because the rebels in the book were Americans who forced the government to make things more just.
#bannedbooks #howardzinn #apeopleshistory

Bibliogeekery ❤️ 8y
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This is a wonderful collection of Zinn's writings on protest and civil disobedience.

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🎉🎉🎉🎉Happy New Year🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉

Starting the new year off with a chapter from each of my 2017 intimidating reads!

I hope your year is filled with happiness, compassion, good food and even better books!

#theidiot #dostoyevsky #howardzinn #intimidatingreads #happynewyear

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This book was such a revelation when I read it at the turn of the century. Time for a reread? Maybe a newer edition #howardzinn #apeopleshistoryoftheunitedstates #civicparticipation #democracyisnotaspectatorsport #electionday #citizenry

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