I bought a bar calendar for 2025 from Bar World Sanctuary, and they also sent their annual report, which is a transparent breakdown of their finances, but also an index of their rescues for the year. So many lovely sky puppies!
I bought a bar calendar for 2025 from Bar World Sanctuary, and they also sent their annual report, which is a transparent breakdown of their finances, but also an index of their rescues for the year. So many lovely sky puppies!
Many moons ago I did an environmental studies minor in college and this book was mentioned repeatedly. I‘m glad Leopold exists for having influenced so many in thinking about the natural world, but much as I‘ve tried for several years now, this book is not for me. It just doesn‘t hold my interest.
Change the system, not the climate.
An accessible introduction to the idea of ecosocialism. Makes clear that capitalism cannot be made environmentally friendly, nor can leftist/neoliberal governments who are backing corporations/capitalism, no matter how many green washing initiatives are advertised, an obvious conclusion given decades of international environmental conferences without seeing meaningful reduction in carbon emissions, etc. 1/?
"The plain fact is that the planet does not need more successful people. But it does desperately need more peacemakers, healers, restorers, storytellers, and lovers of every kind. It needs people who live well in their places. It needs people of moral courage willing to join the fight to make the world habitable and humane. And these qualities have little to do with success as we have defined it.”
What if you had more time and energy to build a better world?
Great read about an ecology friendly Christmas! I gave my copy to a friend!
(Don‘t make me pose, dad! I‘m tired!)
A gentle naturalist classic. He can be a little poetic, but mostly he quietly talks about what he‘s seen, and more passionately talks about what he thinks we are losing (It‘s a 1949 view. He underestimated) There is a lot of naturalist experience behind his writing. Recommended to those interested in the naturalist literary tradition.
This is a beautiful collection of essays that span place and time and ideas of borders, belonging, invasion, and conquering.
I am not one to read much non-fiction but this kept me engaged and both resonated with me as well as provoked more questions.