Tonight‘s choice! A lovely tale of Ganesha and how he came to lose his tusk and what ensued. Sanjay Patel‘s fantastic illustrations make this a favourite. #BedTimeBooks #KidsLibrary #NightTimeRitual #ChildrensBooks
Tonight‘s choice! A lovely tale of Ganesha and how he came to lose his tusk and what ensued. Sanjay Patel‘s fantastic illustrations make this a favourite. #BedTimeBooks #KidsLibrary #NightTimeRitual #ChildrensBooks
What a great book for a diversity or multi-cultural theme! This would make a great starting book for Hinduism or Indian mythology.
Ganesha is just a regular kid - with the head of an elephant. And a love for sweets! When he bites into a jawbreaker, his tusk falls off! Ganesha is very upset and tries to fix it until realizing he can use his broken tusk like a pencil.
These were some of my favorite illustrations for a children‘s book!
I (finally!) finished this and I'm not sure what I think of it. It was interesting yet weird. There often seemed to be entirely too many characters yet the dozens of interconnected people all had fleshed out thoughts and back stories. However very few of them were likable and that certainly turned me off. I'm torn about how to rate this but I don't think I can call it a pick.
I'm halfway through this and I think I have a good handle on all the characters now. #castofthousands This is kind of weird but really interesting so far.
After finishing The Sirens of Titan, my son, Noah, convinced me to read this one also by Vonnegut. I feel like it's something I should have read in high school and perhaps I did check out the Cliff Notes at some point. I'm sure it's on a list of must read books somewhere. The witty humor and sadness even in the first few chapters is definitely intriguing.
#vonnegut #slaughterhouse5 #classic #thesirensoftitan #ganesh