A huge book that is recommended for Doctor Who fans with sturdy bookcases 😉 Good to have all the Dalek history in one place. Also contains a comprehensive list of Big Finish audio dramas that newbies to the format might want to check out.
A huge book that is recommended for Doctor Who fans with sturdy bookcases 😉 Good to have all the Dalek history in one place. Also contains a comprehensive list of Big Finish audio dramas that newbies to the format might want to check out.
https://bookriot.com/2018/02/22/contemporary-horror-novels/?utm_source=Sailthru&... I've only read six!?! How about you? #horrorpost #screamsbymail
Used bookstore #bookhaul today. Yes, I already own The Unquiet Dead in paperback and Kindle, but I can use the hardback as my excuse to buy A Dangerous Crossing in print in 2/13 instead of just Kindle and waiting for the paperback to release later. #idonothaveaproblem #makesperfectsense