p. 108: 'So Patrick was really a first - the first missionary to barbarians beyond the reach of Roman law. The step he took was in its way as bold as Columbus's, and a thousand times more humane.'
p. 108: 'So Patrick was really a first - the first missionary to barbarians beyond the reach of Roman law. The step he took was in its way as bold as Columbus's, and a thousand times more humane.'
? Through Irish Eyes: A Visual Companion to Angela McCourt"s Ireland by David Pritchard, forward by Malachy McCourt
📖 How the Irish Saved Civilization: The Untold Story of Ireland's Heroic Role from the Fall of Rome to the Rise of Medieval Europe by Thomas Cahill
Almost the entire Irish village of Baltimore was taken captive by pirates in the early 1600s and sold as slaves in #Algeria. With little records about their lives as slaves, the author relies on a number of accounts by other slaves to try to describe what their lives could have been like. The author also posits a hypothesis that the taking was an elaborate plan of an evil mastermind who wanted to rid the coastal town of its inhabitants for his ⬇️
Random book from our home library:
📖 On an Irish Island by Robert Kanigel
I‘ve long wanted to read about the Irish taken into slavery in the Islamic world. So this book is perfect for #Ireland #foodandlit @Catsandbooks
I am really interested in all things Northern Ireland so this book came with high hopes. It delivered. Couldn‘t put it down
Catching up on #DaysDevotedTo #days5to9
Dolours & Marian Price, both #redheads were active with the IRA & committed untold acts of violence including bombings,assassinations & “disappearing” #people.
You‘ve Change -#healthylifestyle ; Fellowship Point a saga of #familystories ; The Unfortunate Side Effects of Heartbreak & Magic #tea ; Sienna #artmusem- we are seeing this exhibit sometime soon at the NYC MET.
Recent acquisitions (gifts from my friend Shawn):
📖 Seven Victorian Poets by David Wright
📖 O'Brien Pocket History of Ireland by Breandán Ó hEithir
#UniteAgainstBookBans and #LetUtahRead
While there was some interesting aspects of Ireland in the Middle Ages discussed here, this book got too bogged down in Rome and its fall (like 40% into the book before we get to Ireland) and the author‘s concept of “civilization” is definitely Eurocentric (Irish scribes saved Roman literature, basically). But I learned a lot about St. Patrick and Irish monastic culture, which was interesting.🤔