I didn't know that for two of his novels John Steinbeck wrote a side-by-side epistolary journal to his friend/editor of his writing process and progress.
I didn't know that for two of his novels John Steinbeck wrote a side-by-side epistolary journal to his friend/editor of his writing process and progress.
Finished my #lastbookof2017 right before midnight. Happy new year and best wishes for 2018, everyone! 🎉
A 15 yo ghost whisperer solves a few paranormal problems and investigates her mother‘s death. There‘s also a dog like poltergeist named Buster in it. Pretty cute YA story. 3.5👻
It‘s -7 degrees (feels like temp) so I wasn‘t moving from bed to take this photo. Lol...I like the spine of this book.
#lastbookof2017 #booksandmusic. Pair this book with ClassicsIV‘s Spooky
Listening to my #lastbookof2017. Can't wait for all the great reads of 2018!
Loved this, was challenged by, in fierce admiration of the talent genius that is E. Strout. #lastbookof2017
4.2 stars! This was my last book of 2017 and I don‘t regret it! Can‘t wait to set my new book challenge for 2018 on Goodreads!
If you also read your last book, share it with hastag #lastbookof2017
Did you read the King‘s Cage?
#kingscage #victoriaaveyard #decread #ya #czechedition #fantasy #dystopia