Here's my June wrap up! Much better than last month!
wrap up: #ampersandjune17 #readwomenmonth #fanaticalbirdjune #dreambunnybookishjune #quoththejunebookchallenge #livelaughbooksjune #paperbackplaces #sunsoakedpages #allthebooksjune #readgushjune17
Here's my June wrap up! Much better than last month!
wrap up: #ampersandjune17 #readwomenmonth #fanaticalbirdjune #dreambunnybookishjune #quoththejunebookchallenge #livelaughbooksjune #paperbackplaces #sunsoakedpages #allthebooksjune #readgushjune17
Off to Neverland!!
Currently Reading: Siege and Storm
#raisingreadersjune - Imagination
#bookishjune17 - Swoon Worthy Character
#bluelovesbookishjune - Sketchy Character
#justmybookbloggerlifejune - Fav Bromance
#juneglee17 - Fave Side Character
#readeratticjun17 - Books in a Faraway Land
#livelaughbooksjune - Want to Reread
Forgot to post this here yesterday...
Happy sock Sunday everyone! The weather was great today! It was a beautiful, cool and breezy day. Not at all the hot humid weather we've had recently. Now I'm ready to cozy up with a good book and a glass of wine.
#bibliophileworldjunechallenge sock Sunday #dreambunnybookishjune #bookishthisorthat #quoththejunebookchallenge #livelaughbooksjune fave retelling #sunsoakedpages #allthebooksjune #socksunday
Insanity is the most pristine clarity.
-- Ensnared by A.G. Howard
I love reading retellings. The Splintered series is one of my favorites. It combines my love for all things Alice in Wonderland and fairies.
Day 25 of #JuneChallenge.
#bookishthisorthat: Dragons / Fairies
#livelaughbooksjune: Favorite retelling
#ensnared #aghoward
#bookstagram #splintered #fairytale #retelling #aliceinwonderland #alicesadventuresinwonderland #lewiscarroll
"Better the devil you know, than the devil you don't." ▫
-- English Proverb ▫
This is one of my favorite Indie books. It's so great to still be able to enjoy books without all of the marketing. I love diving in without a preconception. I have found some gems! ▫
Day 24 of #JuneChallenge.
#livelaughbooksjune: Independent Author
#thearchitectofsong #aghoward ▫
#bookstagram #englishproverb #independentauthor #indie #indiebook
Sometimes the loveliest places harbor the worst monsters.
-- A Madness so Discreet by Mindy McGinnis
When it comes to character or plot driven, it really comes down to the book. I have loved both. Some characters are unforgettable, but some journeys actually take you there.
Day 23 of #JuneChallenge.
#bookishthisorthat: Character / Plot Driven
#livelaughbooksjune: Book Spine Beauty
#amadnesssodiscreet #mindymcginnis
#bookstagram #bookspine
Still haven't read Queen of Shadows but I'm proud to stay I have all these signed now!!
#justmybookbloggerlifejune - Larger Series
#readeratticjun17 - #bookstack
#livelaughbooksjune - #bookspines
...she made her home in between the pages of books.
-- Linger by Maggie Stiefvater
This is such a tough choice. I have such a love for both depending on the book. Right now I'm leaning towards series. Some of my favorites end up having sequels.
Day 22 of #JuneChallenge.
#bookishthisorthat: Standalone / Series
#livelaughbooksjune: Throwback Thursday - Oldies but Goodies
#linger #maggiestiefvater
#bookstagram #standalone #series #tbt #shiver
"Imagination is the only weapon in the war against reality."
-- Alice in Wonderland by Lewis Carroll
Alice magnet designed by @eviebookish
Day 20 of #JuneChallenge.
#livelaughbooksjune: Favorite literary quote
#aliceinwonderland #alicesadventuresinwonderland #lewiscarroll ▫
#bookstagram #literaryquote #bookish #bookishallure #magnet #quote #books #bibliophile
"It was impossible, of course. But when did that ever stop any dreamer from dreaming?"⠀
Day 20 in the #livelaughbooksjune challenge - Favorite literary quote⠀
Day 20 in the #TreasureNovelJune challenge - Favorite color⠀
#booktography #bibliophile #booknerd #bookaholic #books #bookphotography #booklove #bookstagramer #bookworm #bookaddict #booktag #reading #bookgeek #strangethedreamer