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The Brothers Karamazov | Fyodor Dostoevsky
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I‘m embarking on a journey into #russianliterature.

I haven‘t read a lot of #classics outside of the Bronte sisters, but I‘m at an age now where I‘m constantly asking myself questions about life, love, good/evil, morality, etc. So I‘m seeking out novels that wrestle with these questions.

I‘m starting with #thebrotherskaramazov and then plan to move on to #annakarenina 📚.

Any others you all recommend? Any advice or thoughts are welcome. ☺️

5feet.of.fury It was a tough one for me, the dialogue meanders a lot 2mo
Bookwomble Crime and Punishment is the Dostoevsky I've read and re-read the most. I'm probably overdue a go around 😏 2mo
BarkingMadRead This one was a lot. We did a buddy read and read a chapter a day, which made it a lot easier. 2mo
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Aimeesue #MatryoshkaBros might amuse you 😁 They go along with the chapter-a-day buddy read @Barkingmadread mentioned. I also listened to an audiobook while reading along. Helped a lot. 2mo
BarkingMadRead Omg you definitely have to check out @Aimeesue ‘s posts! Pure genius! 2mo
charl08 I haven't read so much of the original lit but loved this one (lots re Pushkin) 2mo
readmyeyes @Aimeesue Very cool, thanks for sharing. I‘ll check it out! 2mo
readmyeyes @charl08 Thanks for the recommendation, looks interesting! 2mo
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Brothers Karamazov | Fyodor Dostoevsky
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Epilogue, C2

‘Well, so this is what I have decided, Alyosha, listen!‘ he began again, having suppressed his excitement. ‘Grusha and I will go there – and at once we shall till the land, work, with the wild bears, in solitude, somewhere as far away as possible. After all, there too there will be a place that is far away!"


TheBookHippie 🙃😅🤷🏻‍♀️🎉 5mo
Bookwormjillk 🐻🐻🐻 5mo
Texreader Best yet?? 5mo
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Ruthiella You finally got the bears! I understand, their agents are difficult to work with, they often have outrageous contract riders, etc. 😆 5mo
dabbe Wild bears for the win! 🤩🤩🤩 5mo
Aimeesue @TheBookHippie 💙🩵💙 5mo
Aimeesue @Bookwormjillk 🧸 🧸 🧸 5mo
Aimeesue @Texreader I really like this one, too. And now I know how to make a bear out of a pipe cleaner! 5mo
Aimeesue @Ruthiella Oh, it‘s all "salmon, salmon, salmon" with them. And a hot tub??? Next time I‘m reaching out to Pooh. I don‘t care how much he costs, I‘ll save money only buying honey ? 5mo
Aimeesue @dabbe 🎶 They were some hairy bears, they were some scary bears … 🎶 5mo
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Brothers Karamazov | Fyodor Dostoevsky
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Epilogue, 1

On the fifth day after Mitya‘s trial, very early in the morning, Alyosha arrived at Katerina Ivanovna‘s house in order to come to a final arrangement concerning a certain important matter and, in addition, with an errand to discuss with her. She sat and talked with him in that same room where once she had received Grushenka; near by, in the next room, Ivan Fyodorovich lay in acute fever and unconscious.


Ruthiella Katya‘s care for Ivan is touching, though it is kinda weird to date your ex-fiancé‘s brother… ? 5mo
Aimeesue @Ruthiella Right? Just a bit. 5mo
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Brothers Karamazov | Fyodor Dostoevsky
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Up aloft, in the gallery, in the very furthest corner there resounded a piercing woman‘s wail: it was Grushenka. She had earlier gone to someone with entreaties, and had been readmitted to the chamber before the onset of the judicial pleadings. Mitya was led away.


Ruthiella Oh the scenery being chewed! 😱🤣 5mo
Aimeesue @Ruthiella Well, community theater. You just have to expect some of this, I guess. 5mo
dabbe 🤩🤩🤩 5mo
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Brothers Karamazov | Fyodor Dostoevsky
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Here the orator was interrupted by clapping that was uncontainable and almost frenzied. Of course, not all the chamber applauded, but all the same a half of the chamber applauded. The fathers and mothers applauded. From above, where the ladies sat, came shrieks and cries. Handkerchiefs were waved. The chairman began with all his might to ring the bell.


Ruthiella Look Ma! No hands! 🤣 5mo
dabbe The handkerchiefs ... 🤩😂🤩 5mo
Aimeesue @Ruthiella Life is hard when you‘re a Little People! 5mo
Aimeesue @dabbe I think the waving of handkerchiefs should be a thing again 😁 5mo
dabbe @Aimeesue Huzzah! Huzzah! 🤩😂😘 5mo
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Brothers Karamazov | Fyodor Dostoevsky
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"But above all, above all I am troubled, driven out of myself by the thought that of all the mass of facts that the prosecution has heaped on the defendant, there is not a single one that is in any way precise or irrefutable, and that the unhappy man is going to perish solely on account of the combined weight of those facts."


dabbe #boggeddownbythefacts 🤩😂😘 5mo
Bookwormjillk 🤩🤩🤩 5mo
Ruthiella Dimitry covered in evidence! 😂 Will it exonerate him? 5mo
Aimeesue @Ruthiella Or perhaps he‘ll be crushed to death like they used to do with the press.😳 5mo
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Brothers Karamazov | Fyodor Dostoevsky
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By a computation of time it was proven that the defendant, having run out of the kitchen…was in the constant company of others, and so could not have divided the three thousand and hidden it somewhere in the town. It was this that that formed the grounds for the prosecutor‘s assumption that the money was hidden in some cleft or crevice in Mokroye. Why, might it not indeed be in the dungeons of the castle of Udolpho?


TheBookHippie 🏆🏆🏆🏆🏆 5mo
Bookwormjillk This chapter 🤦‍♀️ 5mo
dabbe Is it me, or does it look like the judge has a gun pointed to his mouth? 😂 And the little-bitty glasses ... #dioramadivastrikesagain #perfectionpersonified 🤩🤩🤩 5mo
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Aimeesue @TheBookHippie 💙🩵💙 5mo
Aimeesue @Bookwormjillk Right? Can you imagine eagerly opening your new edition of The Russian Messenger and finding THIS installment? Oy. (edited) 5mo
Aimeesue @dabbe He is so DONE with these blabbermouths! 5mo
Ruthiella The 3,000 rubles! Everyone is so obsessed with this amount. 🙄 5mo
Bookwormjillk @Aimeesue reminds me of the last episode of some tv shows. It was all a dream! 5mo
Aimeesue @Ruthiella And they don‘t even have receipts, so how you gonna argue about that? 😋 5mo
Aimeesue @Bookwormjillk 😴 😴 😴 5mo
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Brothers Karamazov | Fyodor Dostoevsky
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But psychology,though it is a deep thing, resembles a stick with two ends‘…But here is an example.The defendant, running away at night, climbs the fence and casts down by a blow from a brass pestle the lackey who has seized him by the leg. Thereupon he immediately leaps back into the garden and spends an entire five minutes troubling himself over the man whom he has cast down, to find out whether he has killed him or not.


Ruthiella The lawyer lost me here. What stick doesn‘t have two ends? 😂 Surely the better analogy is a knife that cuts both ways or a double edged sword? (edited) 5mo
Aimeesue @Ruthiella Better analogy, but more murdery. Perhaps he was trying to avoid reminding the jury of death and violence in his comparison? A stick is a little more neutral? (edited) 5mo
Bookwormjillk First aid kit 🤣 5mo
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dabbe 🤩🤩🤩 5mo
dabbe @Ruthiella Both lawyers lost me EVERYWHERE! 🤩😂😃 5mo
Aimeesue @Bookwormjillk I‘m sure he would‘ve had one on him 😂 5mo
Aimeesue @dabbe 💙🩵💙 5mo
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Brothers Karamazov | Fyodor Dostoevsky
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Much frenzy, wild Karamazovian unrestraint and emotionality– & also something more, something that clamours in the heart; that something is conscience, its terrible gnawings! But the pistol is the only way out – I do not know whether Karamazov thought about “what will be there”, and is Karamazov capable of thinking, in Hamletian style, about what will be there? No,other lands have Hamlets, but ours has only Karamazovs!‘

Ruthiella More grandstanding from the tiny top hatted lawyer! 😆 5mo
Aimeesue @Ruthiella Ph, he LIVES for it! 5mo
dabbe 🤩🤩🤩 5mo
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Brothers Karamazov | Fyodor Dostoevsky
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‘but others, too, have testified to the same thing: the defendant himself, his brother and even the manservant Grigory, all those who might be expected to have known him most intimately. In addition to his being dispirited by the falling sickness, Smerdyakov was “cowardly as a hen”. “He fell at my feet and kissed them,” the defendant informed us, “he is a hen with the falling sickness”


Ruthiella The judge looks particularly dismayed by this testimony. 😆 5mo
Suet624 I‘ve neglected to tell you how much I love these posts. 5mo
dabbe @Ruthiella He looks like he the same headache we do! 😂 5mo
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dabbe 🤩🤩🤩 5mo
IndoorDame The #matryoshkabros are the only thing I‘m going to miss about this book when we make it to the end!!! 5mo
Aimeesue @Ruthiella Oy, the grandstanding! 5mo
Aimeesue @Suet624 Aw, thanks! I‘m glad you‘ve enjoyed them! 5mo
Aimeesue @dabbe He needs some extra strength Tylenol for sure. 5mo
Aimeesue @IndoorDame Hahaha! I‘ll be glad to have this book behind me, that‘s for sure! 5mo
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