
Ch 12: I feel like hashtags are too disrespectful for this chapter 😢 #letstryanddothisright #immadatmom #ifeellikeshediminishedthesituation #thatnursesucked #sodidthedoctor #thatsallimgonnasayaboutthat #hashtagbrigade
Ch 12: I feel like hashtags are too disrespectful for this chapter 😢 #letstryanddothisright #immadatmom #ifeellikeshediminishedthesituation #thatnursesucked #sodidthedoctor #thatsallimgonnasayaboutthat #hashtagbrigade
Ch 11: this doctor 💥 💥 🤬🤬#anyway #randomsailorstory #didheevenlistentoher #howdoesheexpecthertoimprove #ohyeah 💡 ⚡️ #ugh #readingaboutsuicideisnthelping #dontgetonthebus #atleastnowtherandomstorymakessense #offtochicago #maybe #staytuned #hashtagbrigade
Ch 10: this was a lot #buckleup #homeagain #didntgetintothesummerclass #nobackupplan #randomstoryaboutaneighborwithsixpointfivekids #nosyblackwidowneighbor #didshereallyeatrawmeat #yikes #letswriteanovel #nevermind #letslearnshorthand #nope #letshaveanexistentialcrisis #letsrethunkourentirecareerpath #atleastsheblewoffbuddy #soproud #offtogetsomemeds #uhoh #referraltoashrink #staytuned #hashtagbrigade
Ch 9: Esther‘s last night in NYC #iwouldbeemotionaltoo #tackypicsforthemagazine #bilegreen 🤮 #doreenwantstoparty #estherwantstopack #ofcoursertheyparty #esthergetsstuckwithawomanhater #sheshouldhavestuckhimwiththatpin 💎 #rightintheeye #ihopeheneverfindsit #ofcoursedoreenisnowheretobefound #estherdumpsallherfrumpyclothes #ilegitthoughtshewasgonnajump 😰 #staytuned #hashtagbrigade
We are traveling to NOLA on Friday, so of course I picked my travel books today 🤷🏻♀️ am I the only one, who packs books first? I will probably bring my kindle as well 🤣 round trip flights plus down time while the hubby parties with his friends leaves me with plenty of reading time 🤣 I love NOLA, but I‘m not a late night kinda gal…. Unless it‘s reading!
Ch 8: this freaking guy 🙄 #esthervisitsbuddyattheclinic #buddychubbedup #proposaltime #becausethissettingiswaybetterthanaletter 🙄 #timetogoskiing #buddyteachesesther #becausewatchingpeopleskimakeshimapro 🙄 #myeyeshurtfromrollingsomuch #whatcouldgowrong #letmetellyou #abrokenleg #jerk #staytuned #hashtagbrigade
Omg I‘m broken now. This book broke my heart, I actually borrowed it from the library just to read the end, I‘ve been listening to it on audible. So beautiful. So tragic.
Ch 7: #constantinwasinteresting #UNandasammie #estherisobsessedwiththerussiangirl #andfiganalogies #girl #focusonwhatyoucando #notwhatyoucant #easiersaidthandone #obsessedwithsex #shemeetsthestrangestpeople #weirdomagnet #balalaicamusicandanap #sobizarre #soletsdropabombandendthechapter #staytunedforthesagaofthebrokenleg #hashtagbrigade
I wore my fourth wing sweatshirt to Starbucks…..
I‘m listening to this on audible whenever I‘m in the car. I‘ve sat in a LOT of parking lots 🤣 I still have 5 hours to go, and I‘m worried about the ending 🤣 this girl cannot catch a break, she needs a shrink to help her with her ptsd, and she has the worst luck with men! Her parents also suck. Everyone sucks. Ugh! It‘s so good
Ch 6: well. Now we know. #nothingsaysromancelikeadatetothehospital #thatwillguywasanass #peoplewholiveinglasshouses #notsureiwouldwantthatviewofabirth #buddyshowedhis #esthersaidnaw #soproud #thatTBwashiskarma #psychosomaticmyass #esthergiveszerofucks #goesther #staytuned #hashtagbrigade
Ch 5: a glimpse at the Buddy relationship #letscollectweirdnamedguys #itsoktosayno #sobuddyisahypocrite #whyyoumightask 🤷🏻♀️ #whoknows #maybenextchapter #pooresthercantcatchabreakanywhere #tooselfconscious #herstudyinggivesoffroryvibes #notsurehowifeelaboutbuddy #hesdefinitelynocatch #andacrappykisser 👄 #staytuned #hashtagbrigade
Ch 4: well this took a turn #timeforabadmovieaboutfootball #technicolor #spoton 💃🏻 #butwait 🤮🤮 #alllllthepuking #byalllllthegirls #maybedoreenisthesmartoneafterall #soupforeveryone #andabook #youknow #sotheydontsue 🤷🏻♀️ #seemslegit #staytuned #hashtagbrigade
If you‘ve read any of these and need to finish the series, they are all 99 cents on Amazon right now! I got the half that I haven‘t read and now I‘m set!
Ch 3: Esther likes to eat #allthecaviarallthetime #eatlikethatpoetgirl #liveyourbestlife #jayceegaveherawhoopin #sheneedstostandupforherself #easiersaidthandone #thosecollegestoriesthough #socrafty #channelthatcraftinessnow #andlearnsomelanguages #languagesarehard #hashtagbrigade
Ch 2: our girl was third wheeling it! #untilshewasnt #ilegitthoughtdoreenwasbeingattacked #ourgirlbails #becausewalkingfortynycblocksissosafe #girl #bathtime #ifeelthisinmysoul #sadnessneedsbathtime #doreenisback 🤮 #ourgirlplanstohangwiththecalmergirls #letsseehowthatgoes #staytuned #hashtagbrigade
Ch 1: #ourgirlisobsessedwiththerosenbergs #inNYConscholarship #doreensoundslikeapill #everythingourgirlwantstobe #shetriessohard #neverquitehitsthemark #alwaysontheoutsidelookingin #offtoaparty #idonttrustthesecowboys #doreeniscalmcoolcollected #afewdrinksandmovingon #whatcouldgowrong #staytuned #hashtagbrigade
#hashtagbrigade I know there‘s no break, but tomorrow we start this one!! Anyone is welcome to join us, just know that my hashtags are often ridiculous and always chapter spoilers, so don‘t read the post until you‘ve read that day‘s chapter. We read a chapter a day!
Ch 39: I almost used the legally blonde meme #wedidit #whew #anyway #theendingthatwasnt #newmeldingwithold #thispiccametomindformrsgreenssmile #lesskidsperfamily #laurawantsthree #misslanewantslauratostaysingle 🙄 #everyoneshoulddotheirownthing #whatdidweallthink #imgivingitasoftpick #hashtagbrigade
Ch 38: one more day! #maildelivery #naturewalks #misslanescaptive 🤣 #novisitingforlaura #unlessyourephillip 🙄 #whatacharacter #peaceoutphillip #soproud #staytuned #hashtagbrigade
I showed up for a prescription just after they closed for lunch 🙄 so now I‘m waiting in line after sitting in the parking lot for 30 minutes 🤣 this book is killing me
Ch 37: #anotherrandomchapter #happylaura #matthewandhislaudanom #flirtingwiththeblacksmiths #laundrydays #oscarwildedrama 🙄 #titbits #thiscrazysong #missingthegreatoutdoors
Ch 36: I really thought that story about the guy beating his wife was going to take a dark turn 🤣 #heranintomyknife #heranintomyknifetentimes #anyway #thedarksideofcandleford #theycouldgetawholeseasonoutofthisonechapter #tragedies #rampantgossip #poachers #susieandsammy #shameonhim #badasssusieshowedhim #saythattentimesfast #elizavsoldjames #evilvalentines #ghoststories #lilycouldseeall #hashtagbrigade
Ignore my messy shelves! The first batch of valentines from the Litsy swap hosted by @TheBookHippie
Thank you to @KadaGul for the lovely note 🥰
And to @Catsandbooks @Butterfinger @Cuilin as well!!
I totally bought this book because it‘s so pretty! And then the 20 ish something guy who rang me up, told me that it was really steamy and seemed really embarrassed 🤣
Ch 35: post office life #irishfarmhands #readingonthejob #icangetbehindthat #primroseleague #oldbenandtom #needleworkwithrealhair #hardpass #cycleclubs #notmuchhaschangedthere 🙄 #allthesecretslauraknows 😳 #hashtagbrigade
The terminology being used is so cringey. I know it‘s time period “appropriate”, but damn.
Ch 34: #ludo #akaparcheesi #anyway #neighbors #whatafungroup #outwiththeoldinwiththenew #wouldnotwanttobenamedwillie #badluckforthosemen #mrsmaceyandtommy #wheresthathubbyofhers #tommyisadorablethough #repingtonandhisciphers #pearlandruby #callyourselfwhateveryouwant #justkeepaneyeonpops #thegrocersareverymuchNOTtheolsons 🤣 #hashtagbrigade
Ch 33: I want to go to a penny reading! #dickens #outingsandmeetings #akagossipfest #churchsocials #haymaking #feast #carnivalgames #picturingnancyasamermaid 🧜🏼♀️ #randomstoryalert #pooroldladydyingduringthefeast #hashtagbrigade
Pack Darling is also my #readordonate and the Bell Jar is the next #hashtagbrigade book! @TheAromaofBooks
I sent my sister a video and she made me this! It‘s so cool! #itsthelittlethings #wherewilliputit
This month‘s book is #nightshift Grab your copy and check back at the end of the month for open discussion! Don‘t forget to tag me so I can see which version you have! #LosersClub #StephenKing #StephenKingInOrder #KingFromTheBeginning #ConstantReader #ReadAlong #BuddyRead
Ch 32: y‘all. This chapter was so random. #townlife #sickfolks #pleasedontmakemethatjelly 🤢#beerbrewing #bathtime #poorjoe #thatsallihavetosayaboutthat #theclergymanandwife #sosad #allsorandom #hashtagbrigade
Ch 31: Laura is adjusting to her job #religiontalk #leavethatathome #learningaboutwork #readingwhenevershecan #sneakingaroundwithdonjuan #janeausten #trollope #librarycard #soproud #hashtagbrigade
Ch 30: Laura starts at the post office #sortof #veryofficial #swornintomorrow #somanypeopleinthathouse #randomstoryaboutwells #becausewhynot #staytuned #hashtagbrigade
This was so sweet, I got all weepy at the end, which is totally the fault of @KadaGul who recommended it for #auldlangspine 🤣 so so good! It also got me a #bookspinbingo which rarely happens! @monalyisha @TheAromaofBooks
Ps I have a few of the others you recommended, but I didn‘t get to them yet. I look forward to reading them, though!
Ch 29: Laura is moving to Candleford #holyshortchapterbatman #workingfordorcas #nowtheadventurebegins #staytuned #hashtagbrigade
Welcome to the #LosersClub open discussion for #theshining
Please be mindful of spoilers. We have new readers to King who haven‘t read all of his books. When referencing his other work, please keep this in mind for our new-to-King friends. Don‘t forget to tag each other in the comments so your friends can see your reply. Have fun!
#StephenKing #StephenKingInOrder #KingFromTheBeginning #ConstantReader #ReadAlong #BuddyRead #BookDiscussion
Ch 28: Laura has a bestie #emilyrose #theperfectchild #thatteacherthough #yikes #runfreelittlelaura #nocandlefordthatyear #lauraandEdwanttofarm #momloseshershit #becauseobviouslyfarmersarelowestofthelow 🙄 #momisntverynicetolaura #notafan #poorlaura #shellfigureitout #hashtagbrigade
Ch 27: Cousin Dorcas is a badass #femaleblacksmith #postoffice #telegraph #whatcantshedo #socool #hashtagbrigade
I needed to find this for @DieAReader so I figured I would post it again. Who is in for the Bell Jar? Drop a comment below! Note that we start in the 9th, and remember that my hashtags are often ridiculous and always chapter spoilers, so don‘t read the post each day until you‘ve read the chapter! Chapter a day! #hashtagbrigade
Amanda, I have two tag lists. One at the beginning of each new month, and one for each individual book, opt ins only.
Ch 26: laughing because this is what came up when I tried to google that game Laura was playing 🤣 #uncletomsvisitors #queerfishindeed #peoplewatchingFTW #thatyounghubbythough #catlady #tomgavegreatadvice #eventohimself #shortchapter #hashtagbrigade
My #bookspinbingo stack is missing two books, one is being delivered on Monday and one is on my kindle. It‘s a fun stack! @TheAromaofBooks
Ch 25: #letsjustletourkidswalk8milesalone #candlefordvisit #mamaispregnantbutwedonttalkaboutthat #livingtheirbestcandlefordlives #eatingboatingshoppingcharades #boooooooks #cranfordFTW #ilovetheiruncle #hashtagbrigade