“We are the darkest acts made light.” #books #augustflynn #thissavagesong #ourdarkduet #yalit #monstersofverity #inlovewithamonster
“We are the darkest acts made light.” #books #augustflynn #thissavagesong #ourdarkduet #yalit #monstersofverity #inlovewithamonster
Victoria Schwab: What did August Flynn ever do to you to deserve such pain? He is too precious to deal with this kind of thing.
In all honesty though, I enjoyed this book. Not likely one I‘ll reread, but I‘m glad I spent time on this duology, and I truly am impressed with how good it is.
3.75/5 ⭐️
I had plans to post twice yesterday but then I discovered that Pinterest introduced sub-boards and I forgot to function the rest of the day 🙄.
#bookcrown #bookstack #monstersofverity #bells
If you're looking for a good Halloween read I'd definitely recommend this dualogy. 🍁🖤🎃
#bookandnature #monstersofverity #bookspine
Reading is supposed to make us happy. So why am I so sad!? I will never recover from this story...
#happyreading? #myheartisbroken #augustandkate #veschwab #monstersofverity #booklover #bookworm
While I did enjoy this one, I found it really slow in the middle. Not much going on for about 100 pages or so. But that ending tho!
#bookstagrammer #oursavagesong #monstersofverity #veschwab #victoriaschwab #bookworm
Who loves the sticker we included in the Monsters of a Kind boxes along with the paperback edition of Our Dark Duet?
Aren't they beautiful? 😍
📸: @ bookmarklibrary on Instagram
#ourdarkduet #4allyaboxes #monstersofverity #thissavagesong
"The witching hour, people used to call it, that dark time when restless spirits reached for freedom."
Have anyone started reading #OurDarkDuet by VE Schwab? ? Any thoughts about it? ❤️
I'm so inlove with #ThisSavageSong and I just can't believe that this is the last installment for this series! Ugh!
#books #monstersofverity #veschwab #bookphotography #bookish #monsters #bookporn
"I mean, most people want to escape. Get out of their heads. Out of their lives. Stories are the easiest way to do that."
#book #books #bookish #bookworm #booklover #onthetable #june #bookpicture #bookphotography #read #reader #reading #readinglist #veschwab #ourdarkduet #literature #bibliophile #currentlyreading #bookoftheday #thissavagesong #duology #monstersofverity
"People were messy. They were defined not only by what they'd done, but by what they would have done, under different circumstances, molded as much by their regrets as their actions, choices they stood by and those they wished they could undo. Of course, there was no going back - time only moved forward - but people could change."
#thissavagesong #ourdarkduet #veschwab #booksandtea #literature #bibliophile #bookoftheday #duology #monstersofverity