Okay, #LittleRaskols , I‘m going in!
This is the old translation by Constance Garnett - how does it compare with yours?
batsy That's a lovely illustrated edition! The excerpt above has a fairy tale quality to it. I haven't started yet but from flipping through it, Ready's translation has a more alienated, modern feeling from the start. I also have an older Penguin edition translated by David Magarshack, though I'll be using the Ready. I'll try to post an excerpt of the Magarshack later for a fun comparison 🤓 #nerdyraskols 7y
GatheringBooks oooh! an illustrated edition! awesome! 7y
Lindy @batsy I want to see duelling translations, as a spectator to this readalong. 🤓 (edited) 7y
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saresmoore This translation seems a bit more formal and stilted than Ready‘s. Like @batsy said, I think it has a modern style, which makes you feel connected to the narrator‘s thoughts, rather than a close observation of Raskolnikov. But I could be way off—ha! 7y
Moray_Reads @saresmoore you can definitely see the different times the translations were written. I like the style of this one, the interesting thing will be if and when we notice the bits that Garnett skips. I wonder whether it will be obvious or whether you can only really see it compared with the Russian? @dgrachel @vivastory @ValerieAndBooks 7y
Mdargusch Good luck! 🍀 7y
drokka I wish you ALL the luck. 😁 7y
LeahBergen @batsy @saresmoore @LauraBeth @Moray_Reads @vivastory @Lindy @DGRachel @ValerieAndBooks I‘ve been manically flipping back-and-forth and comparing these first pages. 😆😆 I can see differences but it seems to have calmed any “translation fears” that I had (and now I think I can read my edition and not obsess about it). 7y
LeahBergen @Mdargusch @drokka 😂😂 Thanks! 7y
LeahBergen @GatheringBooks I love to read illustrated classics. 👍🏻 7y
ValerieAndBooks Should still be good, love that yours is illustrated. Starting my copy tomorrow morning!! The Oliver Ready translation with all the blood on the cover. @batsy @saresmoore @LauraBeth @Moray_Reads @vivastory @Lindy @DGRachel @CSeydel (edited) 7y
rubyslippersreads @batsy @LeahBergen I like the old-fashioned flavor of this translation. 7y
LeahBergen @rubyslippersreads I do, too. 👍🏻 7y