In a world gone quite mad I share with you one of my latest wee poems #poetry #poetrylovers #poet
In a world gone quite mad I share with you one of my latest wee poems #poetry #poetrylovers #poet
Been playing with words and typography of late. And dipping my toe into the creative world of NFT's - the next big thing for publishing. For more I invite you to checkout my Twitter @QueenieBeeTC Enjoy your day ♥ #poetry #poetrylovers
If you‘re someone who honestly has a hard time "getting " poetry, these poems should speak to you. They say disturbing and terrifying things. I absolutely love them.
New poetry from Jason Gerrish!
#athinsliceofanxiety #poetrylovers #poems #appalachia #bukowski #writing
sun mar 7 21 // #poetrymatters // @TheSpineView // prompt: Cannon
The Charge of the Light Brigade
by Alfred, Lord Tennyson
read the complete poem at poetryfoundation.org -- https://www.poetryfoundation.org/poems/45319/the-charge-of-the-light-brigade
#poetryisnotdead #alwaysreading #poems #poets #classicpoetry #poetrychallenge #goals #funandgames #poetrycommunity #poetrylovers #thewrittenword #wordsmiths
Poetry: Selections from Undergrad by Kate Lincoln
#athinsliceofanxiety #poetry #katelincoln #undergrad #newpoet #poetrycommunity #poetrycollection #poetrylovers #poetryisnotdead
Just finished reading this amazing book of poetry that everyone needs to know about. 😘
I've never been one for poetry mainly because I never understood it but this book is very easy to understand and read. #poetry #poetrylovers #booksofinstragram #booksbooksbook #poets #gentlepoems 🤟🥀📚
Thanks to @gradcat in supporting my search for WW1 literature! This book is free on kindle. Sharing in case anyone else is interested! @LazyDays I could not think of a good hashtag for #Litsypoetrylovers thought you might have one to add in case of interest?