Loving reading The History of Tom Jones, a Foundling on my Onyx Boox Palma. It's so funny and such a fast read for such a long, old book! (Published 1749!) #projectgutenberg #free #ereader
Loving reading The History of Tom Jones, a Foundling on my Onyx Boox Palma. It's so funny and such a fast read for such a long, old book! (Published 1749!) #projectgutenberg #free #ereader
I just learned about this site for free class ebooks.
We talk a lot about classic and older books that are all available as ebooks for free and every price from $0.99 and up. I‘ve heard of Project Gutenberg for years (before e-readers even existed), but I always found books hard to read and navigate on the website, so I‘ve never tried their ebooks. Few, if any, of them have reviews so it‘s hard to tell if they‘re any good. I don‘t like to clog my account with multiples of books (free or otherwise),
Laid back Sunday #Quaker readings with a #darkroast #whitechocolate #peppermintmocha.
#coffee #coffeeandbooks #projectgutenberg #kindle #ipadmini #ebooks
#listycrash2017 continues? I‘m still having difficulty posting on #Listy today and I just got logged off.
Starting #victober with Oscar Wilde's The Soul of Man under Socialism and I'm a bit disgusted. Hopefully, this is a short read and will be over soon.
#oscarwilde #thesoulofmanundersocialism #kindle #projectgutenberg #ebook #bookstagram