I can‘t really say this book kept me entertained, or even interested really? Most of it was pretty predictable and it felt about 100 pages too long. #LitsyReadingChallenge #published2007 @jessica
I can‘t really say this book kept me entertained, or even interested really? Most of it was pretty predictable and it felt about 100 pages too long. #LitsyReadingChallenge #published2007 @jessica
I finished this yesterday and am still torn on how I feel. Maybe it was the format that threw me off, I'm not sure. However, it was an interesting story with intriguing characters. I'm still trying to figure out who's point of view it was told from.
#LitsyReadingChallenge #LRC6 #published2007
Started listening to @Liberty All the Backlist podcast (great idea, love it!) and when she mentioned this, remembered it is on my #LitsyReadingChallenge list for #LRC6 - #published2007 ! Seemed like a sign that I should finally crack it open. Here we go!
I think I've found another favourite crime series! The mix of violence and humour in this is so very Scottish. If you like your crime very bloody & graphic with a huge dose of Murphys Law & inappropriate humour thrown in, you'll love these books. 5⭐️🔪🚬🌧🔨🖕This is my #LRC6 #published2007 for the #LitsyReadingChallenge
#LRC6 #published2007 Arkady Renko reminds me of a Russian House. He simply doesn't know when to let things go. While House is driven by puzzles, Renko is guided by a sense of justice so strong it's dangerous. #maybeIjustwatchtoomuchHouse
For #LitsyReadingChallenge I needed a book published in #2007 So what did I search for? "2007 fiction stalin" The same day I found a copy in the library's book sale #serendipity #andlookatthatmoon
I have complicated feelings about this book. I think it's an important story to tell and I think many people will learn something from it. We have to acknowledge that our actions affect people in harmful ways. That being said, I don't like that Hannah's death seems more like vengeance on the people who hurt her and less about mental illness. #LRC6 #published2007 #litsyAtoZ - A (Asher)