We finally got the deck furniture out and now I am reading with the pups. Little things can really raise your spirits! #keeplitsypositive #quaranread #dogsoflitsy
We finally got the deck furniture out and now I am reading with the pups. Little things can really raise your spirits! #keeplitsypositive #quaranread #dogsoflitsy
Spending a little time outside reading today. Still a little chilly, but I am trying to finish this one. Finding it hard to focus on this chunkster. Maybe by the weekend. #quaranread #outsidereading #chunkster
After weeks of figure out how to convert my courses to and online format, I am back to my textbook. Feels good to be writing again. #quaranread #timetowrite
I am training for a 5k as part of my blackbelt training. Fortunately or unfortunately with the stay at home order, I have no reason not to run. #keeplitsypositive #quarantine #quaranread
Hubby and I decided to have stay-in date night! We are getting through this! #quaranread #quarantine #covid_19 #keeplitsypositive
It was hard to get motivated to narrate my lectures today but I got through 4!! It is funny how Mondays still feel like Mondays when working remotely. #quaranread #quarantine #onlinework #collegeprof
Today the Round 3 #BFC Champs decided to meet up via zoom and check-in. Although, there is no longer a #BFC, we have stayed in touch with one another and today was the first time we all chatted. Something positive about this pandemic! #quaranread #keeplitsypositive @Mitch @Crazeedi @Blaire @Chrissyreadit it was her chatting! Thanks for the socially responsible talk and helping me to stay sane!