Session 1 of my D&D adventure: Escape the Underdark. We are banished to the bottom of the underdark.
Session 1 of my D&D adventure: Escape the Underdark. We are banished to the bottom of the underdark.
Yet another awesome Pete the Cat book. In this one, Pete goes to school and stays brave because he‘s rocking in his school shoes. I really want to read all of these, my kid loves them.
I love Pete the Cat. He‘s so groovy. In this installment, Pete goes walking around in his shoes, stepping in stuff, messing up the color, and loving every minute of it. He‘s such a happy cat, and my 4 year old just adores this book.
I was wondering about the relationship between Quequeg and Ishmael. Google came up with this. Crain asserts that Melville used "cannabalism" as a euphamism for "homosexuality."
Working on Whole Brain Child for #24b4Monday
Anybody remember the discord channel? I lost it. @Andrew65
In September I plan on listening to Golem and the Jinni (in progress), This Tender Land, Fried Green Tomatoes, White Trash, and Thirteenth Tale. I will try to finish Sorcerer of the North in physical reading, but I am slow at that lately.
What are you going to read?
Finished my current book. Any suggestions of these 3?
This is my first #24b4Monday #readathon in a while. It'll mostly be listening to Tuesdays at the Castle while I clean, but I hope to read a bit of Five Midnights and Wolf Hall.
Second book of #24b4Monday Excellent read if you're interested in gritty teen books about people with problems. A banned book because of sex and drugs.
I loved this first choice for #24b4Monday (for which I will be reading banned books). It's a coming of age story about a chubby girl from an over-acheiving family as she learns that the world shouldn't be about how other people view you - it's about how you view yourself. It was engaging and I loved the main character, Virginia.
@TheReadingMermaid @Andrew65 @jb72
My husband and I just agreed to "recharge weekends," and I took the last weekend of each month just for this! ?
Hopefully if I read to him, he'll look more like this. #grumpybabyreadathon
Today IL is sick. So I'm having a #grumpybabyreadathon I'll have to hold him much of the day, but can hopefully get some reading done while I'm sitting.
Due to my lack of reading recently (a 9-month-old baby keeps me busy) I have made a goal of reading #10HoursAWeek Challenge starting Sunday morning through Saturday night. Would love anyone who has trouble reading as much as they'd like to join me or let me know their own goal. It's nice to be held accountable.
I will be busy on the 6th, so I'll do my own personal #readathon on the 5th.
I am finishing Washington Black today after misplacing it for months!
@Melmar I will have to send Washington Black late and unfinished due to unexpectedly early induction of baby. Unless you would like me to finish it up this week, I will send it today or tomorrow. Mother and baby are both well, and will hopefully be released early today. #LMPBC
Anyone participate in the first month of #DresdenGroupRead ? If so, have you read Storm Front before? What did you think about it?
Trying to decide on a book to re-read by audio while in labor. You know, 'cause I'll be distracted but still want to be entertained. Thinking of one of these gems.
I'm going to do my best to finish Washington Black for @TheReadingMermaid & @Andrew65 's #readathon this weekend. I have no stepkids this weekend (plus) but am suffering 8-month pregnancy bipolar complications and may be coming down with my second bout of pneumonia this pregnancy (minus). But it's my #LMPBC book, and my last chance to finish it on time.
I just bought this book as a daily deal from audible. I am really looking forward to reading it.
Balanced description of research currently in progress to bring back extinct species. Very interesting, though writing could be more engaging.
3.5 stars
Full Review: https://hibernatorslibrary.com/2018/11/07/the-re-origin-of-species-by-torrill-ko...
I know this isn't a book. But how can I resist this for the gunpowder, treason, and plot prompt? #RRSciFiMonth
Starting my Litsy Markup Postal Bookclub book today! Looking forward to this!
#LMPBC @Joy0201 @Melmar @SMayWrites @suvata
Well, I have a lot of cleaning to do today (yay audiobooks), have a childbirthing class tomorrow (boo, no reading), and have some spare time on Sunday. I can try to make 13 in that amount of time. 😁 I'm going to estimate that I've read 30 minutes already today.
I haven't the foggiest idea what my first Sci Fi book was for the #RRSciFiMonth prompt, but this series was my favorite when I was a kid. I started reading them in the fourth grade. So it's pretty close to my first.
#RRSciFiMonth starts today! The first prompt is my TBR for the event. I plan on reading Oryx and Crake, by Margaret Atwood and Storm Front for my #DresdenGroupRead that I'm hosting starting this month.
I found this book confusing as it drops the reader into the middle of the action with no backstory. I don't know who I'm supposed to be rooting for, as every character seems to have good and bad characteristics. I am wondering if I missed too much being a Black Panther newbie (and really a newbie to superhero comics in general). But I will continue with the rest of the story with hopes that things will become more clear.
Helping out some fellow bloggers by putting their #RRSciFiMonth (November) prompts up on Litsy. Have fun everyone!
I have decided at the last minute to spend the next little-over-a-year reading all the Dresden Files books. Would anyone like to join me? I will start with Storm Front in November, and if people are interested, can post discussion questions on November 30. You are welcome to join later in the year, if you've already started the series and don't want to reread the first few.
@LitsyHappenings #DresdenGroupRead
This was an amazing book. Everyone should read.
For full review: https://hibernatorslibrary.com/2018/10/30/the-hate-u-give-by-angie-thomas/
My favorite 2018 nonfiction read this year was Killers of the Flower Moon. It was a well-researched and interesting account of the Osage murders that took place in Oklahoma in the 1920's. Suggested for readers of general nonfiction, true crime, and recent history. #NonfictionNovember
@TheReadingMermaid is having her monthly #24B4Monday readathon this weekend! I unfortunately will not be able to make 24hrs this weekend because of plans, but I will read as much as I can. 😁
Castley Cresswell lives with her 5 siblings, docile mother, and abusive father. She is taught to believe that her father is a prophet of God. She begins to question this life view when she meets a boy who treats her like a normal person. I was surprised to rather like this book given the mediocre reviews I've seen on it. For full review: https://hibernatorslibrary.com/2018/10/23/the-cresswell-plot-by-eliza-wass/
@SMayWrites There is a group on LibraryThing this past year that has been reading The Realm of the Elderling at one book every two months, and even that seemed a quick pace for them (I think they voted to take a month or two off in there). So one a month may be too fast. But that's your choice, should you decide to do a group read.
2019 year of Shakespeare, anyone?
Finished Ben Sasse's Them, about how political tribalism is an effect of the breakdown of culture from overuse of technology and the misuse of media (focusing on the stupid, sensationalized stuff instead of important issues). Some good points were made. Some boring bits included, too. But I give 4/5 stars because Sasse did a good job of remaining unpartisaned. For full review: https://hibernatorslibrary.com/2018/10/22/them-by-ben-sasse/
Really? They're comparing a 26 hour audiobook by George RR Martin to a 126 hour masterpiece? The same "scope and grandeur"?!!!
My audiobook for the #readathon is this chunkster. I only have 6 hours more - there's a possibility I could finish it today if I do a lot of housework.
Starting hour 0 of #readathon at 54% in my ARC of Them.
This is my @DeweysReadathon TBR pile. I won't finish all (or maybe any of them), as I'm a slow reader who jumps from book to book. My goal for the #readathon is to read 12 hours.
Finally finished my galley copy of And I Darken, by Kiersten White. I hadn't read it in all these years because the beginning was slow...but it picked up towards the end, and now I am interested in continuing with the series. It is the story of a female Dracul (Dracula) of Wallachia. It's good to see a female anti-hero.
For my full review: https://hibernatorslibrary.com/2018/10/16/and-i-darken-by-kiersten-white/