@talkthattalk_rarity on Insta - Spoken word that puts a fire in your belly. Highly recommend.
@talkthattalk_rarity on Insta - Spoken word that puts a fire in your belly. Highly recommend.
Williams takes an out-there conceit about indecipherable scrolls found abandoned beneath the subway which he claims he transcribed in a series of meditative trances and received all sorts of spiritual insights about, and crafts it into a cohesive collection that‘s lyrical, rhythmic, and brimming with insights about hip-hop‘s music and culture. He‘s biting, compassionate, and funny in turns as he thinks about politics, economics, and history.
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Just heard about this program and had to share. While this is geared to YA readers, there are a couple classics. And the list looks interesting no matter what genre.
Found this on our new items cart today, grabbed it for a quick lunchtime read. I always wanted to be a derby girl, then the realization that I‘m super clumsy came into play. 😂 #slam! #graphicnovels #rollerderby #quickread