Despite the fact I'm going to a kids party I still put a book in my bag...I can hope!
Time to prepare myself for small talk and pleasantries. #sociallyawkward #anxiety
Despite the fact I'm going to a kids party I still put a book in my bag...I can hope!
Time to prepare myself for small talk and pleasantries. #sociallyawkward #anxiety
I made some new bookmarks while waiting for my roommate's boyfriend to leave. Yes I'm that socially awkward. But at least I got some cute bookmarks out of it! #bookmarks #sociallyawkward #imsohungry
“Did that sentence make sense to you when you planned it in your head, or do you just open your mouth and let the words fall out however they like?
I feel pretty certain I‘ve thought this exact thing (about myself) after saying things out loud that probably made no sense. Who‘s with me on that?
#sociallyawkward #didijustsaythatoutloud
Today is National Awkward Moments Day.
For me anytime I have to put my book down and interact with people is an Awkward Moment 😶#socialanxiety #sociallyawkward #introvert