Can't wait to read this one!!!! I just don't want it end! ❤️ All of these are (are on shelf waiting)
Can't wait to read this one!!!! I just don't want it end! ❤️ All of these are (are on shelf waiting)
I wholeheartedly recommend this book to other readers. There isn‘t a single story that was predictable. Also, please read THE BOTTOMS, Lansdale‘s masterpiece IMHO! #StartsWithM/N/O #JubilantJuly
Could not choose just one book that #startswithM/N/O so chose one of each 😊 I can relate to this so much. #jubilantjuly
Mercy #startswithm! (And otherwise I haven't read anything in the M-N-Os since January and I'm trying to tie in prompts with recent reads...) I always look forward to a new book every April set in this world, particularly now that Mercy isn't always doing minor random conflicts with all the other women in her life. #urbanfantasy #jubilantjuly