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Red Queen | Victoria Aveyard
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Anyway, ignore my earlier statements about Maven. I hate him. #januaryreads #thatendingtho

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This book was great!!! Picks up right where book 6 ends! I absolutely love Maggie Hope she‘s so daring and smart! The situations she finds herself in during this trip had me on the edge of my seat at times. I love seeing how she is growing not only as a spy but being an independent woman. I cannot believe I have to wait til August 😳😭😫 for book 8! Love love love this series!!! #independantwomen #MaggieHope #latenight #thatendingtho #audiobook

minkyb Waiting is the worst! 7y
SassyBookworm @minkyb totally agree 😢 7y
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A suspenseful thriller about a judge whose twins are kidnapped. He must follow all instructions to get his kids back safely. Twisty enough that it'll have you suspecting everyone. #thatendingtho

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This book was so good! The beginning I didn't enjoy as much as the first book but that ENDING!!!

#HollowCity #RansomRiggs #ThatEndingTho

River of Teeth | Sarah Gailey
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They had me hooked at "Hippo Western". This novella is SO. Much. Fun! I am so glad the sequel comes out next week because, really, #thatendingtho In the meantime, fun article from Tor introducing the hippos of this fun romp!


BookFreakOut "Mercenary hippo wranglers" I never thought those words would go together. And...stacked. 7y
LauraJ Thanks for posting- I couldn't remember the title of this. 7y
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Bookish.Leftist.Auntie I know! It was an amazing finale! But then at the very end... I wad NOT expecting that to happen that way! OMG a whole year?! 7y
stargazerblue49 @Shelia I was not fully prepared to have to have another panic attack about Tormund Giantsbane. I can't believe how long we have to wait for more. 7y
Bookish.Leftist.Auntie I know, I was yelling at the tv, "no, not Tormund," then just holding my breath! But I was so happy that I was right that Sansa and Arya were working together against Littlefinger. 7y
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stargazerblue49 @Shelia I was yelling, too! Pretty sure my neighbors love me right now, lol! I'm so glad that the plot build up between them all season paid off in the end. I knew there was something fishy going on in Winterfell! 7y
Bookish.Leftist.Auntie @stargazerblue49 Yes! Together the pack survives! Truly a great finale in so many ways. 7y
Soubhiville I loved the entire episode. I can't believe Jamie walked away!!! 7y
stargazerblue49 @Soubhiville I was really hoping he was going to stab her first! He has proven himself worthy of so much more so many times in the series! 7y
Ruri_kaichou My husband and I really enjoyed this episode. I felt bad for Jaime, especially when Cersei called him stupid, basically. And, Littlefinger... Oh man. It was amazing. 7y
Dragon Glad to see Jaime get away from Cersei! Brienne is a good influence on him. I thought he was going to be a Queenkiller too. I'm glad the Mountain didn't execute him. 7y
stargazerblue49 @Dragon The whole Brienne and Jaime thing gets in the way of Tormund and Brienne for me, though! 😂 Hopefully, we will get Cleganebowl next season at some point?!? 7y
stargazerblue49 @Ruri_kaichou My husband and I were sending nonsensical text messages back and forth during the last few minutes. #starkhouseftw 7y
Ruri_kaichou Hahaha! Definitely! My husband was so giddy with happiness during the trial. It was such a fantastic scene! And even though the last few minutes were expected for us, it was just so great 7y
Dragon Giant redheaded kids would be awesome! "Briemund" would be fun. I'm hoping the Hound wins ? 7y
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Supposed to be packing (moving to my primary site this weekend, though my hubs is keeping the current apt for another year as he is starting residency in July!) but I ended up here finishing this book - with snacks! Sooooo many feelings! So good! #thatendingtho

LiteraryinLawrence Hard to put this one down, I agree! 7y
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Behind Her Eyes | Sarah Pinborough

Ohhhhhhhh emmmmmm geeeeee #thatendingtho