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Thank you for all of the wonderful birthday wishes! And a huge thank you to everyone who entered #TheBig40Giveaway! It was inspiring to see the advice everyone had for their 40-year-old selves, and my TBR runneth over with new book recs. Litsy is truly the best community!

And without further ado...Congratulations to @niftytiffd for winning the giveaway!

Cinfhen Congrats @niftytiffd and happiest of birthdays #40Rocks🤘🏽❤️🎉 7y
MinDea Congratulations @niftytiffd 7y
TricksyTails Congratulations @niftytiffd 🎉📚🎉📚 7y
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MissAimz_55 Congrats @niftytiffd !!! Now I gotta go through the hashtag and get book recs 😂😂 7y
niftytiffd Yay!!! Thank you, @TheWordJar!! I am so appreciative! 😊 7y
kspenmoll Congrats @niftytiffd ! Enjoy! 7y
niftytiffd Thank you, @kspenmoll! 🙂 7y
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Happy birthday!! 🎉

Pictured is my all time fave! 😊 and my advice to my 40-yr-old self? Wow.. I don't know. I would hope she would have advice for me. I suppose that I could say to keep the course, stay well. 💚

#TheBig40Giveaway @TheWordJar

Pride and Prejudice | Jane Austen
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I know it seems cliché, but my favorite book is Pride and Prejudice. Some of it is merit and some of it is nostalgia, but I love it. Let‘s see...advice to my 40-year-old self....Always move forward; focus on the positive; and spend more time with my two favorite people (pictured above??)! #TheBig40Giveaway

GatheringBooks happy birthday! i did several book lists when i turned 40. kind of my literary journey of sorts. i could share those with you if you wish. :) 7y
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merelybookish Good advice! ❤️ 7y
batsy Lovely picture and sound advice. 7y
readinginthedark @GatheringBooks @missnavigation I appreciate it. I actually just turned 30 a few weeks ago. But this post is to celebrate @TheWordJar ‘s birthday and giveaway! 7y
GatheringBooks @readinginthedark hahahah! happy 30th! :) 7y
readinginthedark @GatheringBooks Thanks! And I am interested in your book lists! I don‘t know if I‘ll do it, but I‘m curious now. 😊 7y
GatheringBooks @readinginthedark i made you TEN years older!!! oh em geeeee!! 😬😢😭🤪 7y
readinginthedark @GatheringBooks 😆No worries! It doesn‘t bother me! 😉Thanks, I‘m excited to look through this. (edited) 7y
TheWordJar Pride and Prejudice forever! It is perfection! 💗 7y
readinginthedark @TheWordJar Right?! ❤️❤️❤️ 7y
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Happy birthday @TheWordJar ! My current favorite book/series begins with “Written in Red” by Anne Bishop. It‘s an awesome original urban fantasy series. My advice from year 40 is age is just a number, so far I‘ve had some great adventures since I turned 40 a year and a half ago! #TheBig40Giveaway

Giveaway | Tod Goldberg
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Happy Birthday @TheWordJar !!!🎉🎂
My advise to a 40-year old me, in just a few years, is:
1) Don't let your job keep you from your two favorite things: reading and traveling.
2) Stop eating so much candy! I know you love it, but you are not a kid.
3) If you're still wearing the same glasses, stop everything & go to the eye doctor & get new glasses.
4) Keep on living the life that you want not the one others want you to have.

emilyhaldi I love #3!! 🤓 7y
AmyG Yeah for #2 which is VERY hard if you love candy. 7y
Kaye Amen #4. 7y
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Morr_Books @AmyG so very very hard 7y
TheWordJar Best advice ever! (But I really love candy!!) 😂😂😂 7y
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Contact | Carl Sagan
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@TheWordJar #TheBig40Giveaway
Happy 40th 🎂
My advice to myself @ 40 (& EVERYONE) is twofold. 1, instant gratification is overrated. You're going to want to retire comfortably one day, make sure you are saving as much as you can b/c most of that stuff you think you want winds up at the Salvo.
2, your health isn't a given. Eat well and exercise, and make time to do the things you most want, with the people you love before you, or they, can't.

Wife Excellent advice!🌹 7y
SandyW Thanks @Wife . I'm always telling my husband wee should really start to think about the things we really want to do. Being middle-aged means there's a chance that one of us will develop something to keep us from being able to do whatever "it" is. 7y
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Bird Box: A Novel | Josh Malerman
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@TheWordJar #thebig40giveaway This is such a great idea! I‘m actually turning 40 in 1.5 weeks. The advice I would give my 40 yr old self is to be okay with who I am. It‘s okay to be an introvert. The quantity of friends I have doesn‘t matter but the quality of my friendships does. Something else I would tell myself is to not skimp on your mattress or shoes because you will spend a lot of time with both.

OriginalCyn620 Happy early birthday! 🎉🎉 7y
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A Court of Mist and Fury | Sarah J. Maas
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Happy Birthday @TheWordJar 🎉🎉🍾🍾🎉 What a way to celebrate!
I haven't read that many books yet this year but the best one has to be ACOMAF!! Blew me away!
My advice to my 40 year old self would have to be to stop putting things off. Take that trip, buy the shoes, eat the strange food. Enjoy it all while you can because life is made of experiences and if you wait too long, it might never happen 😊

Lost Words | Nicola Gardini
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@TheWordJar #TheBig40Giveaway Happy Birthday!!
It's been a long time since I turned 40. What I'd say to you and to my distant 40 yo self: appreciate who you are at this special crossroad of life. Pace yourself mentally and physically; cultivate your best self and be grateful each day so you will enjoy an abundant life 💝

Stay With Me | Ayobami Adebayo
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A big Happy 40th Birthday to @TheWordJar and thanks for doing this awesome #thebig40giveaway My favorite book of this year would have to be Stay With Me. It was an emotional roller coaster. My advice to my 40 year old self (and I am 40 right now) is to spend time on things I love (like great books) and don't waste time on the things I don't love. Have fun and be adventurous!

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