Starting my next new adventure. Anyone reading or read it already? What are your thoughts?
#theserebelwaves #adventureawaits
Starting my next new adventure. Anyone reading or read it already? What are your thoughts?
#theserebelwaves #adventureawaits
Ahoy Book Butterflies!🦋
Today I posted my review for the These Rebel Waves Blog Tour hosted by the Fantastic Flying Book Club! Let just say 8/6/19 is too long a wait for 📚 2, after that cliffhanger. To check it out, just click this link: https://absolutebookishness.wordpress.com/2018/08/10/blog-tour-these-rebel-waves...
Go on and weigh ⚓...adventures await. 😉
#TheseRebelWaves #FFBC #blogtour #historicalfiction #histfic #fantasy
I‘m so excited to read both of these books. I have Catwoman on the way. Between this week and last week, I kind of went crazy on buying books. August has a ton of good looking releases.
#remnantchronicles #danceofthieves #theserebelwaves #snowlikeashes #sararaasch #maryepearson #catwoman #catwomansoulstealer #sjm #sjmaas #sarahjmaas #litsy #littens #bookhaul #bookstagram #bibliophile #bn #barnesandnoble
Guys!!!!! We have a Title for Sara Raasch's Pirate Book!! These Revel Waves will come out sometime next summer and I've been excited for it since 2016!
#sararaasch #theserebelwaves #owlcrate #snowlikeashes #sla #bookstack #booknookstagram #epicreads #bookstagram #bookaddict #booklover #bookworm #bibliophile #book #books #bookgram #bookphotography #booklr #booklove #bookholic #bookdragon #bookstagrammer #yabooks