When your houseguests wake you up at 5am being loud... but you don‘t mind because you wanna see what Monty and Percy are up to anyway.
#lgbtq #ya #tooearly
When your houseguests wake you up at 5am being loud... but you don‘t mind because you wanna see what Monty and Percy are up to anyway.
#lgbtq #ya #tooearly
It is way too early to be up on a Sunday, but here I am, wide awake, dealing with children who need to go back to sleep. So since I‘m up, I‘m using the time I do have to read, since this week has been totally bananas. Interviews, meet-ups, job fairs, overtime... the list goes on & on.😭 #tooearly #kindle #kindlereads #cozyreadingchair #neilgaiman #sundayreading #busyweek #lazysunday #morningreads
I Think I Love You! The world today is #overcome with sadness at the death of David Cassidy. #TooEarly #TuneIntoNovember A bit of a cheat but had to recognise his life (and death) somehow. 😢