Well. I am a fan of Kaiden and that‘s all I really came here to say. These books rock. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Well. I am a fan of Kaiden and that‘s all I really came here to say. These books rock. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
A nice sequel. This is a slow, take-it-easy kind of story. Lots of small storylines going on at their own pace from book to book. There are micro hints of a maybe romance but mostly friendship. Very innocent. Definitely YA. I don't hate it! I enjoy it. It is easy. Not very many complaints! On to the next.
Old books! Maps! Old books with maps! Bargain.
ETA Actually, this link‘s more fun - whether or not it‘s a treasure map! https://www.devonlive.com/news/devon-news/exeter-auction-king-james-virginia-633...
Follows on from Akarnae. Alex is from Earth but goes to school in parallel Medora. In bk 1 she went through a learning curve but now she‘s a bit of a Chosen one. In a school of gifted, she has superpowers. Fair enough, there‘s a reasonable explanation - but every good idea seems to come from her rather than more experienced students.
Fun & flippant all the same.
In reading Voyages by the aspiring poet Debjeet Mukherjee, I really appreciated his use of poetry in comparison to nature and life. His poems cause the readers to pause and think; to reflect on a beautiful night sky or to inspire an admiration for the world around us.⠀
Catch the full review and purchase links on LiterautreApproved.com⠀
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