I‘m just getting to the good part and a family is on speakerphone, and everyone is so loud! Can they not see me reading?!? #volumedown #youarenottheonlypeoplehere #imcranky #dontmesswithmyzen #wellnesswednesday
I‘m just getting to the good part and a family is on speakerphone, and everyone is so loud! Can they not see me reading?!? #volumedown #youarenottheonlypeoplehere #imcranky #dontmesswithmyzen #wellnesswednesday
Taught yoga and read for an hour at Panera. Time for some window shopping. #wellnesswednesday #livingmybestlife
My heart is breaking for Eleanor. #wellnesswednesday #selfcare #addictedtopanera
Today‘s #wellnessWednesday is brought to you by the Berlin Marathon and Charlotte international airport! Today is a travel day and Panera didn‘t have iced tea so I got creative! Funny that the airport has fresh strawberries but my local restaurant doesn‘t lol #selfcare #marathontime #germany