A melodramatic, possessive lover you say? A man who causes others pain? I give you: Humbert Humbert! I have just one thing to say to H.H. #yougiveloveabadname mister! #themummy
#MonsterMadness2017 #Rocktober
A melodramatic, possessive lover you say? A man who causes others pain? I give you: Humbert Humbert! I have just one thing to say to H.H. #yougiveloveabadname mister! #themummy
#MonsterMadness2017 #Rocktober
Getting in just under the #friyayintro wire here...
1. In our garden, trying to be game about having my picture taken.
2. Testing the Current...not all what I was expecting but much more interesting.
3. Hoping to unload some furniture we posted on Freecycle.org so we can reclaim the basement. Also working.
4. Rainy and MUGGY!! 💦💦💦
5. Dinner was ramen my wife picked up from a new restaurant in town. Plus peanut butter Halo Top w/ choc chips