Y‘all. It is still in the 90‘s here in South Georgia, but I‘m tying to get in the fall spirit!
Y‘all. It is still in the 90‘s here in South Georgia, but I‘m tying to get in the fall spirit!
Got in a couple of hours of audio on my commute before I head into a day of meetings. I'd rather be participating in a readthon with you all but I'll catch you all this evening! #readathon #workcommute #SoCal #itshotagain #whereisfall
Trying to catch a few quiet minutes before the cross country meet begins. (And some shade - it's HOT!!) 🏃🏼🏃🏼🏃🏼☀️☀️☀️#SoCal #hot #whereisfall
That's what it feels like outside right now! I'm very happy to stay inside, with a blanket and a cat or two on my lap, and read lots of books!
#toohot #whereisfall
p.s. I just saw someone out for a run - what is wrong with them?!?!?