It‘s been over a decade since Wil Wheaton released his #Memories of the Future working on TNG. I have to admit I‘ve basically given up hope of ever seeing Volume 2 :( #forevernovember
It‘s been over a decade since Wil Wheaton released his #Memories of the Future working on TNG. I have to admit I‘ve basically given up hope of ever seeing Volume 2 :( #forevernovember
Wil (Wesley Crusher) recaps the troubled 1st season of TNG with humourous episode narrations and frank views on the bad and good of working on the show. Its a story of how a great cast persevered with bad scripts to turn TNG into a classic. But we also see how tough this 15 YO had it as a child actor and playing a despised character. For a show that's about a better future some fans can be jerks. Even if you didn't like Wesley, you'll like Wil.
I‘ve been rewatching all of Star Trek (again) lately and am making my way through TNG currently so I figured this would be a good listen for a long drive today.
Totally worth it just for Wheaton‘s story about one of the ST conventions in Vegas. I‘ve been on the Star Trek Experience in Vegas once and am so sad that it‘s gone now. Reliving it through him was total joy and made me weepy. I‘m a geek.
#startrek #tng #wesleycrusher #wilwheaton