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The Bluest Eye | Toni Morrison
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Thank you @melissajayne for the wonderful #wintersolisticeswap package. I am looking forward to reading these books and the tea sounds delicious. I don‘t have my tree up yet, but once it is up the ornament will be going on. Thank you
@Chrissyreadit @sprainedbrain

sprainedbrain ❤️❤️❤️ 3y
julesG @melissajayne Don't you think this is a bit rude? Donate what you don't like. 3y
melissajayne @julesG how can I donate bath salts or a used book? I‘m going to get stuff that I wanted and post it as my #wintersolsticeswap package. 3y
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melissajayne @julesG how can I donate bath salts or a used book? I‘m going to get stuff that I wanted and post it as my #wintersolsticeswap package. 3y
Susanita Homeless shelter? Little free library? 3y
scripturient @melissajayne You‘re being rude! Just regift the bath salts to someone else if you don‘t want them? 🤷🏻‍♀️ (edited) 3y
Chrissyreadit Sharon I‘m sorry. I can assure you this will not happen again in a swap we host. 3y
Crazeedi Sharon, you are very special to all of us on litsy. Just ignore the people who are rude and unkind. Sending you my love and hugs and know we all are behind you 3y
wordslinger42 @DinoMom I'm really shocked to see this level of unkindness on Litsy. That being said, I am sure that whatever you sent was absolutely lovely and picked out with joy and intention on your part ❤ 3y
sprainedbrain Sharon, I sincerely apologize for this ridiculous behavior. I hope you won‘t hesitate to participate with us in the future… as Chrissy says, this will never happen again in a swap that I host. 3y
Elizabeth2 I agree with the above posters, and cannot believe the level of rudeness being displayed. I‘m sorry that your kindness was not appreciated. Just wow. 3y
Reviewsbylola This is so sad. I saw a drama post by Melissa on FB and I‘m shocked someone could be so rude over a holiday swap, especially after all the hard work @sprainedbrain and @Chrissyreadit put in organizing it, not to mention the thought and care you put into your gift @DinoMom ❤️❤️❤️ 3y
curiouserandcurioser @DinoMom im so very sorry that you have been treated so unkindly. I have seen your kindness and thoughtfulness sprinkled throughout Litsy, and its a shame that she didnt recognize that. Sending love and hugs to you❤❤ 3y
jenniferw88 Adding my love and hugs to you too! 3y
TrishB Unacceptable and rude to @DinoMom, sorry this happened. 3y
Amiable Like @Reviewsbylola , I also was stunned by the FB post and came right over here to add my support. I can‘t believe someone would complain so rudely about a gift that was put together with grace, care and intention. Sending warm hugs and holiday wishes your way! 3y
erank58 Sending hugs 💙💙 3y
TheBookHippie 🤍🤍🤍sending love 3y
LeahBergen Wait… what happened?? I have received several lovely swap gifts from @DinoMom . Not only have I had nothing to ever complain about but I‘ve been thrilled with each carefully chosen gift. 3y
BookishTrish Love and hugs @DinoMom 3y
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