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Winter Solstice
Winter Solstice | Rosamunde Pilcher
142 posts | 51 read | 2 reading | 40 to read
In Winter Solstice Rosamunde Pilcher brings her readers into the lives of five very different people.... Elfrida Phipps, once of London's stage, moved to the English village of Dibton in hopes of making a new life for herself. Gradually she settled into the comfortable familiarity of village life -- shopkeepers knowing her tastes, neighbors calling her by name -- still she finds herself lonely. Oscar Blundell gave up his life as a musician in order to marry Gloria. They have a beautiful daughter, Francesca, and it is only because of their little girl that Oscar views his sacrificed career as worthwhile. Carrie returns from Australia at the end of an ill-fated affair with a married man to find her mother and aunt sharing a home and squabbling endlessly. With Christmas approaching, Carrie agrees to look after her aunt's awkward and quiet teenage daughter, Lucy, so that her mother might enjoy a romantic fling in America. Sam Howard is trying to pull his life back together after his wife has left him for another. He is without home and without roots, all he has is his job. Business takes him to northern Scotland, where he falls in love with the lush, craggy landscape and set his sights on a house. It is the strange rippling effects of a tragedy that will bring these five characters together in a large, neglected estate house near the Scottish fishing town of Creagan. It is in this house, on the shortest day of the year, that the lives of five people will come together and be forever changed. Rosamunde Pilcher's long-awaited return to the page will warm the hearts of readers both old and new. Winter Solstice is a novel of love, loyalty and rebirth.
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Winter Solstice | Rosamunde Pilcher
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A jolly Christmas but not a chick lit read in the middle of monsoons ⚡️

W for A to Z challenge!

Unfortunately I think my challenge ends here since I cannot find books with X, Y or Z. Please help!!

Winter Solstice | Rosamunde Pilcher
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A beautiful December #sunset outside my former office. #luckyinlove

Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Gorgeous 🌅💜 6mo
Eggs Beautiful 🩵💜🧡 6mo
dabbe ❤️💜🩷 6mo
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Winter Solstice | Rosamunde Pilcher
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Last book of 2023! I hadn‘t read Pilcher before and didn‘t realize I started with her final novel. It‘s a bit too long and some of the main characters‘ emotional reactions (particularly to deaths) were a bit unreal to me. And two of the side characters are flawed almost to the point of being villains. But despite these issues, I really enjoyed reading this found family story set in Scotland. The ending was quite lovely.

Winter Solstice | Rosamunde Pilcher
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@TieDyeDude Thank you so very much for this #Yuleswap package! I love everything! Sorry for the delay in posting. I opened it yesterday morning, and then the day got away from me. I can't wait for tonight when I'll get the simmer pot going, put on these amazingly comfortable slipper socks, and dive into one of these books. I'm excited for both, so I'm not sure which I'll start with. @BookwormAHN @wanderinglynn thank you so much for hosting ❤️

Soubhiville Oooo those socks look incredibly cozy 🙂🔥 7mo
BookLineNSinker I'm looking forward to this evening too! Cozy socks, blankets, books, family time, art, and Christmas to look forward to! 7mo
wanderinglynn Wonderful! Happy Yule! ❄️ 7mo
BookwormAHN 🩵🤍🩵 7mo
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Winter Solstice | Rosamunde Pilcher
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Eggs Beautiful 😍 7mo
Catsandbooks ❄️❤️ 7mo
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Winter Solstice | Rosamunde Pilcher
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IndoorDame 🤍🖤🤍 7mo
Eggs Love this! 7mo
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Winter Solstice | Rosamunde Pilcher
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IndoorDame 🤍🖤🤍 7mo
Eggs Pretty! 7mo
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Winter Solstice | Rosamunde Pilcher
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Day 17 of the #wintergames Photo Challenge - Winter

Today, I‘m sharing this ebook on my Kindle that I haven‘t read yet. I also bought the Audible book with it. This book has the word Winter in it. It sounds good.


BookwormAHN Nice 🩵 7mo
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Winter Solstice | Rosamunde Pilcher
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❄️ A perfect read for this season. Cozy and heart-warming, even if a bit too perfect. Will definitely read another Pilcher. “The air was cold, but the sun beamed down upon them, and in the shelter of the house there was no breath of wind.”❄️

Gissy Do I have to read first Shell Seekers first. I heard that some characters appear in this book, Winter solstice. 7mo
Kristin_Reads @Gissy I heard that too but I‘ve never read Shell Seekers or any other Pilcher and I loved this one! 7mo
Gissy @Kristin_Reads Okay, good to know. Thank you 🤗 7mo
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MaureenMc @Gissy I‘ve read both Shell Seekers and Winter Solstice, and I don‘t remember there being any crossover characters. 🤔 7mo
Gissy @MaureenMc Oh, okay. I heard that form a YouTuber I think was Miranda Mills if I‘m not mistaken I think I head that firm her. 7mo
MaureenMc @Gissy It‘s quite possible there are crossover characters, but I simply didn‘t remember. 😄 All to say, I think you could read Winter Solstice first. 😁 7mo
Gissy @MaureenMc Yes! 🤗💚❤️💚❄️ 7mo
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Winter Solstice | Rosamunde Pilcher
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Seven minutes until #hyggehour begins. Got my cosmo, my S. Pellegrino to stay hydrated, my cactus rose to look at, my Pippa behind my chair, the fireplace ablaze, and a book to read. I feel so blessed to have the time to do this. 💙❄️💙

#Naturalitsy #Midwintersolace
jenniferw88 Chrissyreadit AllDebooks thebookhippie

IndoorDame Looks perfect! Enjoy 💗 8mo
tpixie Ooo your cactus rose is really blooming. I have several buds but only 2 have opened! I got it last year, so I‘m just glad it‘s blooming again!! … your cosmo looks delicious 😋 8mo
TheBookHippie Perfection! 8mo
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JessieKB All the things!!!!😍😍 8mo
dabbe @IndoorDame 💙❄️💙 8mo
dabbe @tpixie My husband got the plant for me; that's probably why it looks so good! Hopefully, I won't kill it! 🤩 My key to a good cosmo? Just a wee bit of grapefruit juice. 😍 8mo
dabbe @JessieKB Must have them all to “hygge“ yourself away! 🤩🤣😍 8mo
dabbe @TheBookHippie 🤩😃😍 8mo
tpixie @dabbe yum! Thanks for the secret ingredient! 8mo
marleed A perfect hygge setting! 8mo
dabbe @marleed 🤩😍🤗 8mo
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Winter Solstice | Rosamunde Pilcher
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#midwintersolace #naturalitsy
I enjoyed Winter Solstice - the sugar sweet of the stories of people coming together and making their own “family” and traditions in the Scottish Highlands. I just discovered there is a film adaptation, now I have a mission to find it ❄️

AllDebooks This looks good x 8mo
TheBookHippie Scotland at the holidays. Yes. 8mo
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Winter Solstice | Rosamunde Pilcher
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This one set in Scotland is so cozy- the perfect book to read by a warm fire!

@BookmarkTavern #sundayfunday

peaKnit I love this book also, lovely characters! ❄️ 8mo
BookmarkTavern A Scottish winter sounds divine! Thanks for posting! 8mo
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Winter Solstice | Rosamunde Pilcher
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Repost for @jenniferw88

LAST 5 DAYS TO SIGN UP! #naturalitsywintersolsticeswap

I realise the form has the same question twice. The second time, it is asking whether it's OK to send you gently used books.

@AllDebooks @Chrissyreadit @TheBookHippie @LitsyEvents


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Winter Solstice | Rosamunde Pilcher
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I kept comparing this one to Binchy's A Week in Winter, but this one didn‘t hold up. So much could have been edited out for a stronger story, instead we limp along with these wounded creatures. I loved Coming Home & Shell Seekers so maybe my expectations were too high.

“You never really got to know people properly until you had seen them within the ambience of their own home. Seen their furniture & their books & their manner of their lifestyle.”

Winter Solstice | Rosamunde Pilcher
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#naturalitsycardswap has my creative juices flowing. I haven‘t had my stamps out in a decade but I‘m feeling some #midwintersolace 🌲 🍁

dabbe 🤩🤩🤩 8mo
Tamra Beautiful! 8mo
AllDebooks These are lovely x 8mo
TheBookHippie So pretty! 8mo
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Winter Solstice | Rosamunde Pilcher
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December! Happy to learn we'll do this next year too!

#Bookspin #Doublespin


TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!!! 8mo
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Winter Solstice | Rosamunde Pilcher
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Well it suddenly became winter here again recently and our kitchen got a much needed (literal) whitewash because it was a terrible orange that we decided we couldn't live with for the next few years. So splash on the paint!
This was a cute story, predictable and probably unlikely in many of the outcomes but perfect for a cozy, wintery read and full of loveable characters.

tpixie You are nesting!!! 1y
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Winter Solstice | Rosamunde Pilcher
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1. My fireplace! Reading by a toasty fire is the best!
2. I have to agree with @Andrew65 , the tagged book is such a cozy read!!!

@TheSpineView #Two4Tuesday

Andrew65 Glad to see you love it too. 2y
TheSpineView I love a good fire in the winter. Thanks for playing 2y
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Winter Solstice | Rosamunde Pilcher
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1. Not a great fan of Winter, hate cold and snow. But enough of Mr Grumpy Pants. Favourite thing of Winter the sound of silence and the view after snow has fallen, and tucking up in the warm to read.

2. The tagged book, a great story set in the highlands of Scotland.

#Two4Tuesday @TheSpineView

TheSpineView Perfect! Thanks for playing!💙❄️💙📖 2y
Andrew65 @TheSpineView Th is 😍 2y
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Winter Solstice | Rosamunde Pilcher
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One of my favourite #Wintery Reads, set in the highlands of Scotland.

#JanauryJazz @Eggs @AlwaysBeenALoverOfBooks

Eggs Beautiful cover 💙❄️👏🏻 2y
Karisimo This is one of my favorite cozy reads too! 2y
Andrew65 @Karisimo Pleased to see I am not alone in loving this. 2y
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Winter Solstice | Rosamunde Pilcher
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Solstice fire tonight. Super happy that we weren‘t in charge of the fire this year so we didn‘t have to stick around and put it out 😁

Aimeesue In other news: Damn, I'm getting old 2y
Chrissyreadit ❄️💙❄️ 2y
SamAnne I wanted to do one! But too much of a cold snap. -4 Fahrenheit this morning! Happy Solstice! 2y
Aimeesue @SamAnne BRRRRR! I would have skipped it too! 🥶 2y
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Winter Solstice | Rosamunde Pilcher
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I've been looking to start a new tradition with wishes for the new year and I found this one that combines it with the winter solstice! ❄️

#midwintersolace #naturalitsy #wintersolstice

AllDebooks This is amazing, I love it. I'm gonna do it, too ❤️😊 2y
Texreader What a great tradition to start!! 2y
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Winter Solstice | Rosamunde Pilcher
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Happy Winter Solstice!
It‘s my 37th wedding anniversary 💞
My lovely husband is cooking supper, and bought me both Kaluha and Bailey‘s Irish Cream!!
In other news, our computer system was down today at work, so we had to close up at noon. AND it still isn‘t working, so we‘re closed tomorrow as well. So I‘m on VACATION until Jan 3!!
Our computer system at work has crashed

Tamra Happy Anniversary! 💕 2y
Aims42 Happy Anniversary!! And congrats on being able to start your holiday break early 🙌😄 2y
Daisey Happy Anniversary! 🥂 2y
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tpixie @Tamra @Aims42 @Daisey thanks!! It‘s crazy they can‘t get our computer system back up! Hopefully they can by Friday! ( but 1.5 extra days of vacation is great!) 2y
jewright Isn‘t it crazy how the computers being down at work can make everything impossible? Enjoy your break! 2y
tpixie @jewright yes! It‘s wild!! Thanks! You have a best week also! 🧡🧡🧡 2y
AnnR Happy Anniversary and cheers to extra vacation time! 2y
CaitZ Happy Anniversary!🥂 2y
batsy Happy anniversary! 💞 2y
tpixie @Ann_Reads yay!! 🥳 thanks 2y
tpixie @CaitZ @batsy thanks!! 😍🥳🎉 (edited) 2y
mrp27 Happy Anniversary! 🎊🍾 2y
tpixie @mrp27 thanks! 37 years of wedded bliss! 🥳🎈🎉 wild! (edited) 2y
fredamans Happy anniversary! 🥂 2y
tpixie @fredamans thanks 😊 2y
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Winter Solstice | Rosamunde Pilcher
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We had a sunrise in Michigan this morning! It‘s been awhile. It‘s a cloudy time of year here, so maybe it was a solstice miracle. We made it, friends! No snow on the ground, but hoo boy that‘s about to change. Did a big grocery shop this afternoon, met great friends for a late lunch, and Mark did minor repairs to our hot tub. Time to hunker down and celebrate the shortest day of the year. Happy Solstice, everyone!

Winter Solstice | Rosamunde Pilcher
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Can‘t wait to be out on the lake with the family again!

Andrew65 Looks heavenly, roll on the Summer. ☀️⛱🏝 2y
DieAReader ♥️🏖️🌞 2y
Reggie Nice! 2y
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Winter Solstice | Rosamunde Pilcher
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This is summer for me -out the back door to get fresh supplies for salsa and spaghetti sauce making ! Not pictured copious amount of red wine for the spaghetti sauce😂♥️🍷🍶🍝.


Cinfhen Yum 😋 2y
Andrew65 Nothing beats home grown fruit and veg in the Summer. 🏝⛱☀️ (edited) 2y
IndoorDame 🍅🍅🍷🍷❤️❤️ Sounds like heaven! 2y
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bnp Salsa, fresh tomato sauce & red wine? Yum!🍅🧄🌿🍷 2y
WJCintron 🙌🙌 2y
DieAReader 🤤🤤🤤 2y
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Winter Solstice | Rosamunde Pilcher
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Dec 20th #WinterReadathon #WinterReadathonDailyChallenge

Today is the Equinox and the Winter Solstice in the Northern Hemisphere, with the shortest amount of daylight during the year. It‘s also Look On The Bright Side Day, so let‘s post some of our Summer Pictures to look to better times ahead in the Northern Hemisphere or celebrate the Summer in the Southern Hemisphere.


@Andrew65 @DieAReader @Ghabi4Roses

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Andrew65 We‘re over halfway through the Readathon, I‘ve tagged people who have shown interest in readathons or challenges at some point. If you want to be added to the list or even removed from the list please do let me know. 2y
LiseWorks Today I always look forward to the days getting longer now. 2y
MoonWitch94 Yes! The return to the light! ☀️🤩🥳 2y
Andrew65 @LiseWorks Me too, always feels more optimistic after 21st December. Love Spring. 2y
Andrew65 @MoonWitch94 Exactly ❤️☀️⛱🏝 2y
DieAReader 🌞🌞🌞 2y
kspenmoll Thanks for the Monty Python rendition!!!! 2y
Andrew65 @kspenmoll Love that and always cheers me up. 2y
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Winter Solstice | Rosamunde Pilcher
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One of my all time favs. Cozy Christmas setting and great characters. #adventrecommends

robinb Pilcher is ALWAYS in season. 😊👍 2y
LeslieO @robinb So true! 🙂❤️ 2y
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Winter Solstice | Rosamunde Pilcher
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Whew 😅🙃🕎❄️🎄🕯️

Suet624 Good lord. Now you‘ve freaked me out. 2y
TheBookHippie @Suet624 I‘ve freaked myself out! 😂 2y
Catsandbooks Wow 2023 is coming in hot! 😳 2y
TheBookHippie @Catsandbooks just picked up my first food and lit book for 2023 from library 😂 2y
Catsandbooks @TheBookHippie well you're ahead of me! I'm just happy I've looked up books for next year! 😂 2y
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Winter Solstice | Rosamunde Pilcher
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I‘ve always enjoyed this book- I‘ve read it several times. Rosamunde Pilcher has quite a few wonderful books- I would definitely check her out!

LeslieO I recently reread this. So good! 2y
Andrew65 Love this one. 2y
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Winter Solstice | Rosamunde Pilcher
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I have finally committed to my December #Bookspin list. I really wanted every single book to be one I would want to pick up right away, plus two to finish for #Booked2022. I am fully emerging myself into seasonal reading and I‘m not mad about it 😂

JamieArc Note to self: BS 14, DS 2 2y
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Winter Solstice | Rosamunde Pilcher
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Repost for @AllDebooks

Sign up form for #NaturaLitsy planned #Midwintersolacegames starting 1st December. All welcome to join in, let me know to tag you in the lists.


AllDebooks Thank you for reposting 😊 2y
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Winter Solstice | Rosamunde Pilcher
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This #letterw is my favorite comfort read- gives me all the good feels!


Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Thank you for playing 🙌🏻📚 2y
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Winter Solstice | Rosamunde Pilcher
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It is the strange rippling effects of a tragedy that will bring five characters together in a large, neglected estate house near the Scottish fishing town of Creagan. It is in this house, on the shortest day of the year, that the lives of five people be forever changed. Winter Solstice is a novel of love, loyalty and rebirth.

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Winter Solstice | Rosamunde Pilcher
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Lights in the glasshouse look particularly festive on long winter nights.

Winter Solstice by Rosamunde Pilcher from my #forevershelf seems appropriate this evening. Story actually starts in the fall with Winter Solstice beginning on page 318. Even if I don't reread every year I often revist the Holiday ending.


Happy Winter Solstice!

Winter Solstice | Rosamunde Pilcher
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It‘s a cold longest night, but the stars and moon are gorgeous and I have a very hot chocolate with some warming rum, so I‘m cozily finishing an awesome audiobook outside.

Thank you to all who participated in the swap—I know it wasn‘t an ideal opening day, but Chrissy and I appreciate you all so much.

To those celebrating with us tonight, I wish you a happy Solstice and a blessed Yule. ❤️

TheBookHippie ❄️🤍❄️🤍❄️🤍🕯🕯🕯🕯🕯 3y
BookwormAHN Happy Solstice 🤍❄🤍 3y
Chrissyreadit ❤️❤️❤️❤️😘 3y
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LitStephanie Happy Solstice! I can't wait for longer days. 3y
inthegreensandblues Happy solstice! 3y
MeganAnn Happy solstice!! ❤️❄️✨🌲🔥 This looks like a delightful way to spend it 3y
erank58 Blessed Solstice everyone! 💙❄️ 3y
Soubhiville Happy Solstice! Joi on this longest night. 3y
MittenGirlPeach How lovely! Happy Solstice to you and yours! 3y
MoonWitch94 What a beautiful way to celebrate! Blessed Winter Solstice to you, too! 💙❄️🤍🌲🕯 3y
AmyG Happy Solstice! Thank you for a wonderful swap..as always. Sh** happens (edited) 3y
Kshakal Happy solstice!! ❄️❄️❄️ 3y
StaceGhost Love your fire 🔥 happy solstice ❤️ 3y
kspenmoll Looks wonderful! Enjoy! 3y
Insightsintobooks Happy solstice 3y
DebinHawaii Beautiful fire! A blessed & happy solstice. We appreciate all you do.💙❄️💙 3y
Bookwormjillk Beautiful 🔥 Tomorrow we have more sunlight to look forward to. 3y
Deblovestoread Happy Solstice to you! 3y
Crazeedi And thank you for hosting! Your lovely fire is delightful, here's to the days getting longer once again!🥂 3y
Branwen Happy Solstice! ❤❤❤ 3y
TheAromaofBooks Blessing to you this season!! I love this turning point in the year... in many ways it's more New Year-y to me than the official New Year's! I apparently missed some drama along the way, but know that I appreciate all that you do to make Litsy a happy & welcoming place. You & @Chrissyreadit did a wonderful job hosting this lovely swap!! ❤ 3y
bridge12 Best Yule yet! I hope you enjoyed ❤️ 3y
Mitch You both did a Stirling job - of now only hosting the exchange of gifts - which is always a joyful thing - but also in opening up lots of us to new traditions and activities off Litsy. I definitely marked the season in new ways because of you and @Chrissyreadit and that is a powerful thing for you both to have achieved. I‘m deeply grateful. Thank you 🙏 3y
Avanders (I know I‘m late here.. I seem to have entered a worm hole that shot me a week into the future…) ♥️♥️♥️ 3y
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Winter Solstice | Rosamunde Pilcher
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Happy Winter Solstice!! ❄️ 🕯 ✨

Andrew65 ❤️❤️❤️ Love that the nights will start getting lighter again. Spring and Summer is on its way 🥳😂 3y
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Winter Solstice | Rosamunde Pilcher
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Happy Solstice from the highest point in Leicestershire at sunrise (shame it was too cloudy to see the sun!)

TheSpineView Beautiful view! 3y
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Winter Solstice | Rosamunde Pilcher
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Winter Solstice | Rosamunde Pilcher
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And this perfect, gorgeous bookmark, with Jane and my name on it! 😍

Gissy 😍❤️❤️❤️ 3y
LeahBergen I love it! 3y
Chrissyreadit 😍😍😍🙌 3y
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Crazeedi Perfect!!!❤ 3y
Jemgirl2014 One of the best bookmarks I've ever seen. So original! 3y
DebinHawaii I LOVE this bookmark! 😍 3y
Jensol77 Same…Jenni it‘s beautiful 3y
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Winter Solstice | Rosamunde Pilcher
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Deb. This is all fabulous. Where to begin…I love the books (great choices). The book sleeve (gorgeous), adorable pouch (for my purse as I have so much necessary crap), the candy (my husband will be thrilled-he gets the dark chocolate bar), pad and the washi tape (love) etc.,the great ornaments, coffee! I just can‘t thank you enough. Wishing you a wonderful holiday! 😘🎄🎁🎅🏻❄️

AmyG And I got so excited I forgot to tag… #WSS #WinterSolsticeSwap @Chrissyreadit @sprainedbrain (thank you both. Your swaps are 🙌🏻) 3y
AmyG And….the postcards by Davin Zinn. I have actually seen a couple of these in Ann Arbor as wr travel there alot. The penguin bag is adorable and will get so used. 3y
Chrissyreadit This is a great package!!! 3y
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DebinHawaii I am so glad you enjoyed it! I had fun putting it together & I am happy it all made it OK. 🤗 I have not opened mine yet. I am in the parking lot of the emergency vet as my baby 🐱 is having issues. I am hoping to open it when I get back home & can relax & enjoy. 3y
AmyG @DebinHawaii Oh no. I hope Max is ok. 🙏🏻 3y
DebinHawaii @AmyG Thanks. He is basically an almost 18-year old diabetic cat who can‘t poop frequently, but I should hopefully be able to bring him home today & he should be feeling much better. 🙀❤️ (edited) 3y
CBee Good book choices 😃😃 3y
Gissy That booksleeve😱😍💙💙💙Beautiful. Agree, everything is beautiful. That pouch is so pretty! 😍 3y
Crazeedi A lovely collection! Where the forest meets the stars is a beautiful book 3y
Chelsea.Poole Lovely! 3y
TheBookHippie Oooo the yellow wife, that‘s supposed to be good! Love the book sleeve! 3y
AmyG I will pass The Yellow Wife on to you when I am finished. @TheBookHippie 3y
TheBookHippie @AmyG OOOO YAY! 😘🥰😘 3y
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Winter Solstice | Rosamunde Pilcher
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Thank you @Chrissyreadit and @sprainedbrain for hosting this SWAP. It is such a beautiful alternative for those who feel they don‘t quite fit in a traditional holiday place. 🤍❄️🤍

Please know that we all (99.9 percent of us) love and appreciate you. 😘😘

*.01 percent will NOT destroy our peace

Much love~~~~ Christine 🤍

sprainedbrain ❤️❤️❤️ 3y
LeahBergen ❤️❤️❤️ 3y
GingerAntics 💙💙💙 3y
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GingerAntics I would say that the winter solstice is the real traditional holiday. Christmas is much newer by comparison… intact it‘s a bit of a poser/misappropriation. 3y
GingerAntics I‘m excited to see the books that come out of this swap. I‘m poised and ready to make a reading list. 🤣 3y
TheBookHippie @GingerAntics I‘ve followed the hashtag today and made lists!!! 3y
KatieDid927 Preach! 3y
Chrissyreadit 🤍❄️🤍❄️🤍❄️🤍😘 3y
GingerAntics @TheBookHippie oh good!!! I haven‘t checked in with the hashtag yet. I thought I would wait until tomorrow so everyone has opened. 3y
staci.reads @TheBookHippie Please don't tell me someone was complaining?! @Chrissyreadit @sprainedbrain thanks for bringing diversity to the winter swaps, so that there is something for everyone ❤ 3y
TheBookHippie @staci.reads someone had sour grapes. OY. I totally agree with you. I feel bad that someone chose to try to ruin this wonderful thing. It is unfortunate. 3y
Chrissyreadit @staci.reads @GingerAntics and Christine we are so excited to celebrate Yule and the Winter Solstice with our Litsy Family ❤️ 3y
GingerAntics @TheBookHippie 🙄 please tell me it wasn‘t the “I‘m boycotting Starbucks because their cups don‘t say Merry Christmas” set. I didn‘t think we had those around here. Maybe I‘ve just insulated myself well. 🤷🏼‍♀️ 3y
GingerAntics @Chrissyreadit I am so happy to know other people who celebrate the solstice instead of christmas. The number of people who celebrate Christmas even though they‘re not Christians, just so their kids will get presents like everyone else in their class (or other similar excuses) is truly disheartening. Are these people celebrating consumerism? I‘m not even sure. I suppose there is a strong tradition of that in America. 3y
Chrissyreadit @GingerAntics consumerism is destroying us. I‘m very excited to have a fire and wassail on solstice. Do you celebrate? 3y
GingerAntics @Chrissyreadit I observe. Celebrate is a bit pretty a stretch. My family doesn‘t accept that I‘m no longer Christian, even though they don‘t even go to church EVER. Everything is met with “yeah but you‘re still Catholic.” 🤦🏼‍♀️ I don‘t know anyone irl who celebrates, so I‘m kind of on my own. I would love to have a proper fire and actually celebrate though. 3y
TheBookHippie @GingerAntics Oh they're around. Not too much though. Most of them have blocked me long ago.... 3y
GingerAntics @TheBookHippie well that‘s helpful!!! 3y
TheBookHippie @Chrissyreadit I think someone needs a sage burning ......just saying.......

I've always wanted to do a sock exchange at winter time BAHAHAHAHAHA.
GingerAntics @Chrissyreadit I‘ve actually discovered that at least in 2019 there was a pagan community event at the park just down from my house. I wish they would have it again. I would definitely go. Maybe I could find some people. I‘m a bit cranky about proper history etc, so I might not get along with folks, though. 3y
TheBookHippie @GingerAntics Something about having a relationship with the Divine and being an altruistic hippie ......I was raised Jewish Catholic/Christian and sent to parochial school that was protestant. So I took what I liked from each and threw the rest away. BAHAHAHAHA. THIS does not bode well with folks. (edited) 3y
TheBookHippie @GingerAntics We have a humanist group here that is very welcoming to everyone at whatever level they are at. It is quite beautiful to watch. 3y
Chrissyreadit @GingerAntics I‘m really enjoying my own version of this- feminist, intuitive and getting to know others with similar ideas and views on litsy. Unfortunately my protection candle got a little out of control last night- it may have been foreshadowing today 🤣 3y
GingerAntics @TheBookHippie what is with the Jewish Catholic combo? I‘ve known a lot of people with that combo. I even knew one Jewish woman who was married to a Catholic guy (so they had Jewish Catholic children) and she said when she went to her MIL‘s funeral she thought Jewish people were good at guilt trips. I‘ve been entirely turned off of Christianity. I just can‘t even with it. It‘s just complete BS. 3y
Chrissyreadit Christine do you do stuff with Unitarian Universalists? 3y
GingerAntics @TheBookHippie The good elements can easily be traced back to other belief systems. I‘m not sure what I am, but I‘m more focused on a relationship with the divine and nature, and being a good person, in some sort of Celtic framework. I especially prefer the virtue ethics approach as opposed to the consequentialist/deontologist approach. (edited) 3y
GingerAntics @TheBookHippie oh, a humanist group would be lovely I think. 3y
GingerAntics @Chrissyreadit I always forget to add in feminism. Equality between everyone is always important. I don‘t necessarily mind not having any labels, but at the same time, it‘s hard to explain to people what you follow or practice without them. 3y
bnp Wasn't part of the swap, but I'm excited to see solstice celebrators here. Solstice is my personal focus in December, though I do celebrate Christmas with extended family. 3y
katy4peas @Chrissyreadit I‘m a UU! My congregation is big on humanism and have a lovely group of Pagans and Wiccans as well along with many Buddhists and atheists. 3y
katy4peas Once in a while we read from the Bible or other religious text, but the big thing is to replace “god” with whichever name you use. 3y
Chrissyreadit @katy4peas I have considered finding a UU church to have some type of fellowship, but they are close to an hour away. I love hearing how nice yours is ❤️ wishing you a blessed Yuletide and return of the light 🌞 3y
TheBookHippie @GingerAntics lots of intermarrying but mostly Catholics rescued a ton of Jews during the war -some Jewish then kept parts of Catholicism in their traditions or never admitted the Jewish part due to their fear of another Holocaust . There were a lot, more than I ever knew. Jewish people thrive on guilt 😅 as in they feel guilty -but the older generation in some certainly use it🤣 to get their children. 3y
TheBookHippie @GingerAntics I‘m definitely done with Christianity as a religion. No thank you. The evangelical folk have strayed so far from Jesus he wouldn‘t recognize them . It‘s all political religiosity now. Just gross. 3y
TheBookHippie @katy4peas we have a wonderful tiny group here. They focus a ton on all the social justice things. 3y
katy4peas @Chrissyreadit I would encourage you to go at least for the Christmas Eve service. That is how we found ours. Our favorite minister has left now, and our church is 30-40 minutes away, but for Christmas Eve at least it is worth it for fellowship and to see if you like it. 💕 wishing you a blessed Yuletide and happy holidays as well! 3y
TheBookHippie @GingerAntics I just tell folks I have a relationship with the Divine. 3y
TheBookHippie @Chrissyreadit OY! Foreshadowing!!! 3y
katy4peas @TheBookHippie yes, my congregation is VERY social justice and earth focused as well. 3y
TheBookHippie @Chrissyreadit yes. There‘s a tiny group I help with their homeschooling reading and writing since the groups here in my town are Protestant evangelicals and teach creationism etc . I also go with them to all the protest and social justice things. It‘s a lovely group. 3y
TheBookHippie @katy4peas I just love that. 3y
katy4peas @Chrissyreadit oh and you should check out Peter Mayer‘s music: petermayer.net. He sings about the solstice and earth. I love his song “God is A River” 😉 lots of humanist and pagan friendly songs that you can sing with or meditate too. 😘 He also has a great one about Mary, Cupid and Buddha all in the garden talking together about life. He‘s my favorite singer if you haven‘t caught on yet. 😊 3y
GingerAntics @TheBookHippie I didn‘t know that. I thought the Pope turned a blind eye for a while. I guess his people did better. 3y
GingerAntics @TheBookHippie 100%!!! I just can‘t do it anymore. I think my mother‘s reaction of “yeah but you‘re still Catholic” pretty much sums it up. There is no freedom, choice, or love left. Jesus would not be happy with what they‘re doing in his name. 3y
GingerAntics @TheBookHippie people always ask what the means… well, the few I tell anyway. People like their boxes. I was thinking about this the other day when we started this conversation. I think modern religion has made everyone comfortable with all these boxes and you have to fit into one. I don‘t think spirituality or religion were ever meant to be so neat and tidy. It complicated. It‘s messy. It‘s natural. Or at least it should be. 3y
TheBookHippie @GingerAntics Like anything else, there are good people in places that don't listen to the 'powers that be'...thank goodness! 3y
GingerAntics @TheBookHippie that is true… I just need to find these people. 3y
TheBookHippie @GingerAntics I'm Jewish by blood. Can't change that. So much beauty in Judaism that I just love, no one can take that away. If people ask me what that means by having a relationship with the Divine I say “I have a relationship, not a religion. I'm sorry you don't understand. I'm so happy you have a religion you like. Give me the grace to have mine.“

GingerAntics @TheBookHippie oh my god, I want to see their faces. I can just imagine. 3y
TheBookHippie @GingerAntics Also My grandma always taught me -we don't know. Mystery is the higher power of the Divine. Question everything. That is part of Judaism that I just love. 3y
GingerAntics @TheBookHippie see, I think that‘s the natural thing. It is in our nature to question. If god made all of us and called it good, then he can‘t get pissed because we do what he made us to do. That‘s where I started getting lost, when I really started digging in. “The fall” is not answer to every question, but they sure try to make it one. 3y
TheBookHippie @GingerAntics Using a bit of their 'christianease' language helps. I remind them it isn't Hail Mary full of virtue it's Hail Mary full of GRACE. Grace the one thing you cannot EARN. 3y
TheBookHippie @GingerAntics The fall isn't anywhere other than white mens minds to lessen women. It is in NO original text as how they have translated it. 3y
GingerAntics @TheBookHippie most evangelicals don‘t believe in Hail Mary full of grace. They don‘t think Mary is special at all, besides being the ultimate poster girl for the virtue (?) of (magical, nonexistent) virginity. 3y
TheBookHippie @GingerAntics I meant for the Catholics 😂😂😂😅 I‘ve no clue what to say to evangelical peeps 😝 3y
GingerAntics @TheBookHippie oh yeah, that should work for Catholics. I‘m not sure you can say anything to evangelicals. They‘re going to either dismiss you or come up with some kind of BS either way. 3y
GingerAntics @TheBookHippie I‘VE HEARD THIS!!! I find it hilarious!!! 🤣😂🤣 3y
TheBookHippie @GingerAntics I bring it up OFTEN 😂😂 3y
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Winter Solstice | Rosamunde Pilcher
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Wow @jenniferw88 what a lovely selection of gifts and books 🥰 I can't wait to show off my scarf and try out some of those Christmas cookie recipes. Thank you so much! 🧡

Thank you @sprainedbrain and @Chrissyreadit for hosting this awesome swap

jenniferw88 🤗 Glad you liked everything (& opened the right package! 🤣🤣🤣) 3y
AbigailJaneBlog @jenniferw88 I double AND triple checked beforehand lol 😂😂😂 3y
Chrissyreadit 🤍❄️😍❄️🤍lovely! 3y
36 likes3 comments
Winter Solstice | Rosamunde Pilcher
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Omg!! I am so spoiled!!! Thank you so much for everything… I can‘t wait to read these books and I can‘t wait to decorate with the tinsel!! Happy #wintersolstice !!!

@TheAromaofBooks @sprainedbrain @Chrissyreadit

sprainedbrain ❤️❤️❤️ 3y
Chrissyreadit 🤍❄️🤍❄️🤍😍 3y
TheAromaofBooks Yay!!! So glad you enjoyed it. ❤ 3y
33 likes3 comments
Winter Solstice | Rosamunde Pilcher
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This made me giggle!!! #wintersolstice @TheAromaofBooks

TheAromaofBooks LOL I could NOT get that tinsel to stay in there while I was trying to tape the box! 😂 I thought I was so clever using it as packing material, but I was starting to doubt my genius at that point!! 😆 3y
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Winter Solstice | Rosamunde Pilcher
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Jill OMG !!!!!! I‘ve wanted these books FOREVER! So excited! The candy is so yummmmmm. Can‘t wait to make tea and the #foodandlit spices and card are THE BEST THING EVER! Ornament is hanging! Thank you sooooo much! Also you poor thing you get me a lot in swaps 😂😂😂❄️❄️❄️❄️❄️#wintersolsticeswap

sprainedbrain So wonderful!! ❤️ 3y
Bookwormjillk I‘m so glad you like it! I bought the spices before we knew what countries so I hope it works out. I know there‘s not a shortage of cooking going on in your house though! 3y
TheBookHippie @Bookwormjillk No worries there 😂 all that happens is cooking here👩🏻‍🍳 3y
TheBookHippie @sprainedbrain it‘s just like a hug! 3y
62 likes4 comments
Winter Solstice | Rosamunde Pilcher
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I‘m an early riser, and couldn‘t resist the temptation any longer! Look at the gorgeous wrapping @Readergrrl did for me! I love the green and silver theme 😁🎄! And the mystery of the noise in the box is solved: a giant jingle/ sleigh bell. 💚

Next post will be opened gifts. #wintersolsticeswap

sprainedbrain So pretty!! 3y
Chrissyreadit I love the colors 😍😍😍 3y
Readergrrl I had fun wrapping your gifts. The blankie and socks were a last minute find at Joann Fabrics and they inspired the ribbon colors. What a perfect match! 3y
59 likes3 comments
Winter Solstice | Rosamunde Pilcher
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Excited to open my first of many book exchanges for this month! Thank you @BarkingMadRun for the amazing treats and books!

Thank you @sprainedbrain & @Chrissyreadit for organizing the #wintersolsticeswap #wss

Chrissyreadit Love this!!! ❄️🎉❄️🤍🎉😍 3y
sprainedbrain Wonderful! ❤️ 3y
48 likes2 comments
Winter Solstice | Rosamunde Pilcher

Too “wholesome”. The characters are very well presented.

Winter Solstice | Rosamunde Pilcher
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My #wintersolsticeswap package arrived! It makes an interesting sound when I tip it, I can‘t imagine what‘s in there! 🤔 thanks @Readergrrl !

Thank you hosts @sprainedbrain and @Chrissyreadit ❤️

Readergrrl Wow! That was fast! Hope you like it!! ❄️🌲🦊 3y
Chrissyreadit ❄️🤍❄️🤍❄️🤍 3y
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