The zombie apocalypse has begun! You have an SUV and a baseball bat. Where are you going first?
The zombie apocalypse has begun! You have an SUV and a baseball bat. Where are you going first?
3.5 ⭐️s
I don‘t normally do .5 ratings, but this one is definitely better than a 3 but not quite a 4. I loved the unique lore and world building of this novel where zombies are sentient. Angel is a fun protagonist and I was absolutely rooting for her the whole way. The end felt rushed and I had figured out the “mysteries” pretty early on in the book. But I couldn‘t put it down and will get to the 2nd in the series sometime soon.
⬗ This wasn‘t weighed down with too much zombie gore, which was favorable since I can‘t handle the constant anxiety of dodging zombies— it stresses me out and ruins my experience. I didn't love this book, but I did like it for the most part. The political issues were a bit too much for my taste, but at least they were completely unrelated to what we have today.
⬗ The narration by Paula Christensen & Jesse Bernstein was quite good.
This is my go-to-book. I read it like 10 times. What is yours?