Newly empty nested mom here trying to cope with the aid of self help books (and wine, and therapy house cleaning). I miss my girlies and this book hits me in the feels. 😭
Newly empty nested mom here trying to cope with the aid of self help books (and wine, and therapy house cleaning). I miss my girlies and this book hits me in the feels. 😭
Ok, my wine pics for book group. Get it? Get it? Lol! Ghost Pines, Storyteller, Dreaming Tree, and Sandman. Loved this book and it‘s magical monstrous tale telling tree character. Grief is a complicated monster, indeed.
Hesitantly listening to this book on audible. It‘s not my comfort genre. So far...
I didn‘t realize it was a Christian Publishing company. Parts are lame. Parts are epic. Parts are insightful. I guess I‘m in a good place to hear this message right now. #staytuned
“A Tree Grows in Brooklyn is not the sort of book that can be reduced to its plot line. The best anyone can say is that it is a story about what it means to be human.” #saturdaymorning
Excerpt From
A Tree Grows In Brooklyn
Betty Smith
This material may be protected by copyright.
Just finished this amazing book. What should I read next?