I find it so negative and crude. The affairs are not romantic but trashy. not well written and if I read any further I will be as miserable as Anna. a waste of my freizeit.
I find it so negative and crude. The affairs are not romantic but trashy. not well written and if I read any further I will be as miserable as Anna. a waste of my freizeit.
Powerful and concise , provides clarity around fundamental feminist principals.
I still always feel that pang of envy when people talk about silly little problems with their mum. Too fussy, too overprotective, helping too much. I know these are valid problems but I internally roll my eyes at it all. If only they knew about REAL mum problems, or not having one at all.
Well I am determined that those silly little problems are the only mum problems my son will ever know. Mum cuddles him too much, mummy‘s bed is more snuggly...
A very disturbingly accurate view inside the mind of a person suffering severe anxiety. However the storyline I found was seriously lacking in substance.
Beautiful story and illustrations, with an informative history at the end.
Sunshine and gelato and a noisy playground and my favourite book 😍 appropriately reminding us to be as kind to the hearts of adults are we are to the hearts of children
Delightfully bookish week..... went to a book swap, joined a new library and .....might have received a little parcel from book depository #wasntme 🙈 very excited. As a bonus they‘re all delightfully color coordinated 😜
Chocolate hearts and a book about love. Perfection.
This book is so profound. It is not long but I am taking forever to read it. Digesting every word. Contemplating every page. No book has affected me so much before.
I think this book is THE ONE 😍
Totally relatable #definitelynotme 🤣
So cynical and negative. If I want to listen to constant whining I‘ll talk to ....well....anyone. I read to escape reality. This book is too boringly real. But also provides no new perspectives or insights.
I ❤️️❤️️❤️️ EVERY PAGE OF THIS BOOK..... It speaks such profound truth
Raising a cuppa in tribute to #stephenHawking passing the passion on to the next generation 🔭⚗️🔬🌎☄️#scientist #physicist #legend #rip
Trying another audiobook that might not put me to sleep 😂😂😂
Second try at the audio book for this one. Don't know if the problem is this book, or the whole audiobook thing because I'm new to it.... it seems to cure my insomnia but I am missing significant chunks of the book 🤔😴
Sunday afternoon in Spring drinking chinotto and reading about love in an old wooden cinema in zurich .... #imahopelessromantic #butofcourse . I love this book from the first chapter.
It was an easy and entertaining read, particularly the dynamics between Colin and Hassan. Though I feel the only things I learned from it:
1. All Katherine's are just all b####es - as I was reading this ALL my friends started telling me their own evil Katherine stories 😱🙉
2. That somebody who feels the need to control and explain everything in life has to learn the hard way themselves that you just can't
Hi. I'm Rose.
I'm just getting back into reading after many years with barely a single book to my name.
I'm an Australian living in Switzerland. I am a single mum with one 7 year old son who has Aspergers Syndrome and reads EVERYTHING he can get his hands on. I'm a former accountant, training as a school teacher.
Please tag me on any recommendations for inspiring/uplifting reads for me as well as great kids books for my son.
Hi I'm Rose. I've just got back into reading after many years with barely a single book .
1. I'm from Australia but living in Switzerland.
2. Romance, youth fiction, .....basically nothing too heavy. Reality sucks, why should fantasy suck too?
3. Reading SO many books 😂😂😂 check my current stack.
4. Chocolate and curry, not together
5. None. Apartment living. Love dogs
6. Please tag me or comment below any suggestions for inspiring reads
Couldn't locate the old one. Got a shiny new copy and back into it ✌️️🙃
The author has really accurately gotten inside the head of the characters. You're not crazy, the world just sucks too much sometimes. Respect ✌️ #beyondblue
Dear Mr Hornby. I'm from Sydney. I take no offense. Your book is dark but hilarious . I also note the irony that I missed my therapy appointment because I got lost in your book 😂😂😂
Important lessons to be learned about life and mental illness
Alone in a bar reading a book about loneliness 🤔 only up to chapter 3 but I'm finding it so relatable
Firstly, I STILL hate Julian 😡 always #choosekind . It was good to understand Julian more, but now I just understand more how selfish he is, when he decides to do good it is only for his own self image. The other two stories about Christopher and Charlotte , I felt were unnecessary. I didn't really learn anything profound from them or gain any greater insight. Julian could have been rolled into Wonder.
The first half is a brilliant, accurate and amusing anecdote about expat life in Switzerland. The second is a dry yet informative history of the French language....with some memoirs thrown in for good measure. Took me forever to finish it because the end was so dry.
Expat life in Switzerland.....in a nutshell 😍🇨🇭😂
Sorry but I still hate Julian #choosekind
A must read for school children, should be on the curriculum. The story teaches key lessons about difference, empathy and bullying from very personal perspectives.
A thoroughly entertaining and empowering story about immigrant women who, through various circumstances, have lost their husbands but through writing erotic fantasies learn to restore the fighting fire within them and assert their continued relevance as part of society. However the author should have left it at that and it would have been brilliant. There is a dark side story that could honestly have been a separate novel.
When you've lost your unfinished book and can't remember where you left it 😫😫
When in quarantine 😌 a perfect excuse to read........just please don't vomit on my books 😱😷
Getting looks on the train with this one...... so cheeky 😜
Some tea and time just for me