I never posted this when I read it this summer, but this is probably going to be in my top 5 reads for the year. I consider it a must read and I want to buy everyone I know a copy. It's that powerful.
I never posted this when I read it this summer, but this is probably going to be in my top 5 reads for the year. I consider it a must read and I want to buy everyone I know a copy. It's that powerful.
My media specialist gave this to me to read on Thursday, so I flew through it last night (she likes to give me new books so she can give recs to kids). Overall, I thought the story was cute but the writing was awkward in parts-especially the beginning. Too much telling and not enough showing. I also wasn't the biggest fan of Dimple's character and found some of her dialogue forced. But, I do think some students would enjoy the romance.
Started rereading (books 1-4) this series in the fall and I only have 200 pages left! I adore this series. While it certainly has its flaws, I like the original take on history and the characters are memorable. Plus, dragons. 😉
Matt had to read this for a class and encouraged me to read it. It was a fast read-it's a great collection of advice for all facets of life and I pulled a lot from it. Definitely worth a read if you need some encouragement!
Decided it was time to dive into the most recent books in the Throne of Glass series. I was obsessed when I started this series over the summer. And I'm still in love. The first book definitely as a YA vibe, but with each new book, they get more and more adult high fantasy.
Started this the other night and I'm really enjoying it! Especially all the Shakespeare references!!
Finished this one last night. It vaguely reminded me of Cold Sassy Tree but not nearly as detailed and fabulous. I think the story moved far too quickly, causing it to be a bit disjointed. It also got a touch too preachy for me at the end. But I did enjoy the Southern appeal and many of the characters.
Read Saga 4-6 tonight and loved them. This series just gets better and better. And now I have to anxiously wait for the next one.
A lovely little book about love, forgiveness, and the spirit of the season. Much different than Thirteen Reasons Why, but wonderful in its own way.
Spending today reading and relaxing. First up is this one, which a friend got me for Christmas!
Starting this one because YA is all my brain can handle right now. And I've enjoyed Oliver's books in the past!
So, while I enjoyed this one, it was not my favorite. In places it felt very forced and awkward. But there were some highlights-Libby as a strong female character for one.
Settling in with a book. Haven't read much in the last month, but after a trip to the bookstore today, I decided I needed to read this. All the Bright Places is still a title I think about!
I've long loved the movie (I use it in my American lit class when we get to the Civil Rights Movement and feminism) but I've actually never read the book. It's been sitting on my shelf for years, so I think it's time. ☺️
Finished book 5 this afternoon. Overall, I loved this series. I think the ending was a little rushed and this book felt a little choppier than the others, but a great series overall.
Settling in to read the final volume! Sparty is uninterested.
Finished this the other night. I loved it for the most part-just bummed that many pieces were ones from her blog, but I enjoyed the reread.
Settling in with this tonight. I used to read her blog and can relate so much to her stories. ☺️
Flew through 300 pages this afternoon to finish book 4! I remembered bits and pieces from my previous read but there were a few moments I just plain forgot. 😳 in any case, still loving this series!!
Finished book 3 late last night. I totally forgot that this one ended on a cliffhanger! LOVING this reread!!
Settling in with book 3! I made a list earlier of all the series I want to reread. I'm on a kick. 😉
Finished my reread of book 2 last night. Still loving this reread. ☺️ it does make me want to reread Percy Jackson...maybe after?
Starting book 2! This reread is so much fun. I love rereading series and remembering why I loved them so much in the first place. I've done a lot of rereading this year and I love it. ☺️
Finished my reread of book 1. I forgot how much more enjoyable I find this series compared to Percy Jackson!! On to book 2!
I decided to reread this series as I never got around to reading book 5 (but I bought it on release day!).
While I felt the series was slow overall, I very much enjoyed this last book! It was a great conclusion to the series and definitely read as more high fantasy than YA.
Heading into the final book of this series. This has been slow going. And as I've read further, I've enjoyed them more and more. I can finally say I like them. 😂 can't wait to see how it ends!
This was my favorite of the first three books even though it had some of the same problems-very slow pace. However, I really enjoyed the new character perspective and Saliman is a very well-developed secondary character. Looking forward to the fourth and final book!
This was a fabulous book of poetry. The poems vary in length and topic and cover everything from abuse, to love, to sexuality, to healing, and to modern views of feminism. I read through the volume twice yesterday and reread some of my favorites this morning. I definitely recommend picking this up, even if you aren't a poetry lover.
Really excited to dive into some beautiful poetry. I've heard many good things.
While this was better than the first one, it was still SLOW in parts. But, I'm interested enough in knowing how it ends to keep reading. And the last two books are shorter. 😉
I'm still undecided how I feel. I want to know how it ends, but the one is just sooooo slow. And there are still 2 more books by the time I finish! Also-main character is a little annoying.
I wasn't completely sold on book 1, but I'm trying book 2 anyway. Let's see if the story gets better. 😉📖 #bookstagram #currentlyreading
So....there were some things I didn't like. It's definitely not the 8th book (didn't think it would be), but I did like the focus on family relationships. I think it's worth reading if you're curious. Just be open-minded.
Sadly, the last volume I own. 😨 I'm really enjoying this story for its originality. And the artwork is superb. I just need to save up to get the next few volumes.
I really enjoyed this volume-more so than the first? It did end on a little cliffhanger, but I had the next one handy. 😉
Everyone kept raving about this series, so I bought the first three. After the first volume, LOVE.
The Night Circus was one of those books I heard a lot about and brushed off. I shouldn't have. Beautifully written and unique.
Finally finished this one. It took a bit for me to get into it, and was slow in multiple parts, but I'm intrigued enough to go on to the second novel. @24in48
Finished Aristotle and Dante Discover the Secrets of the Universe. Wow. Just wow. #24in48 #bookstagram #currentlyreading @24in48
Starting my next read for @24in48
Finished Turgenev's "First Love." Great little novella. I loved Fathers and Sons when I read it years ago, so I'm happy I enjoyed this one as well. Now for the gym and more listening to Jurassic Park (only a few hours left). #24in48 #currentlyreading #bookstagram @24in48