Slow to start, this book does a wonderful job of filling in character backstories, and whetting our appetites for the new season of Twin Peaks fast approaching. #twinpeaks
Slow to start, this book does a wonderful job of filling in character backstories, and whetting our appetites for the new season of Twin Peaks fast approaching. #twinpeaks
A pleasant and surprisingly violent diversion in the Dark Tower series. Free of most of King's worst habits, it simply tells a nested series of stories, which enrich the world and history of the bevel series. #stephenking #darktower
Holy shit was this book incredible. A perfect fusion of Russian history and folklore, it channels Russian stories so perfectly, so completely. This book is a work of genius, and I couldn't more highly recommend it. #fantasy #folklore #metafiction
A favorite of many in the dark tower series, I found it to be a very uneven experience, with execrable sex scenes. However, the bright spots were incredible, and add wonderfully to the overall narrative. Action, suspense, and character work is all solid. #darktower #stephenking #specfic
The book is a little simplistic, which the author cops to in the GREAT note to readers. But overall, I was happy to have read it, and I hope the book gets read both by the teens for whom it basically represents (ie passing teens who knew and transitioned early) as well as people like me who took a while to figure things out and are still in the messy stages of damage control and finding the way forward. #ya #girlslikeus #trans
I'm very excited to read this book. Novels that offer empathetic and hopeful visions for trans women are so rare, let alone ones by trans women. #trans #highschooldrama #girlslikeus
Using a bisected structure to both tie up loose ends from the previous book and build the mythology and world of the novels pays dividends in this book. Largely free of King's worst habits, The Waste Lands is an exciting and bracing book. It sets the table for future books, and provides engaging thrills throughout. The threats of sexual violence are maybe too much though. #scifi #stephenking #darktower
Misogynistic and incomplete as it may be, American Gods builds to a compelling and philosophically interesting finale, using its limited POV and chopped up structure to explore Gaiman's view of what America is and means.
Stephen King has a terrible habit of racial caricature popping up in his writings, which can distract whole segments of narrative. His versions of Jewish people, black people, and Italians are troublesome. That said, the drawing of the three slowly unwinds into a tight and compelling climax, which could only have happened in a world constructed as that of the dark tower. #scifi #fantasy #stephenking #darktower
The Knife of Never Letting Go is a strong and compelling narrative depiction of Pseudo-Colonial Christian Patriarchy, with strong character work and well done twists throughout. That said, it falls to the problem so many works of speculative fiction do when they talk about sexism, and that is consistently erase trans people from the narrative. It was very good, but I had hoped for more. #scifi #speculativefiction #gender
It has been a long time since I read the dark tower series, and the world and characters remain as fascinating and enigmatic as ever. The baseline misogyny of all scifi/western/fantasy media is present, but still it remains an entertaining read. #scifi #western #fantasy #intertextualexperiment #stephenking #darktower
After taking a little time in the middle off, I finished this book and enjoyed it a great deal. Especially as a follow up to NOS4A2.
I'm halfway through and this book has been way smarter, complex, scarier, and meaner than I was expecting. Seriously great work, and I can't wait to see how it all turns out
As I come to the end of my time at my workplace, I was gifted with this awesome book!
This was thematically incredible and brave. I hope there is more to come soon. The story feels like it's only the beginning of something great
I finally picked up this book and I'm loving it. Morrison's version is simultaneously very different and incredibly true to the character's history
It's been a while since I had the time or energy to read, but Heart-Shaped Box was a great way to remind myself how much I love reading, especially horror.