Another pick of 2017! If you haven't picked it up yet, you should!
Another pick of 2017! If you haven't picked it up yet, you should!
One of my absolute favourite books (maybe ever?!) and I'm not usually one for superhero books. Definitely one you need to check out!
"Never trust anyone who has not brought a book with them."
I don't think anyone is jumping ship from Instagram, everyone's just testing out a newly found platform! Hope you all enjoy it!
I waited a long time to read this book and I honestly don't know why, I really enjoyed it! I love fantasy novels like this. I did think that there needed to be a bit more world building, but other than that I was thrilled. I haven't picked up Glass Sword yet, have you? ☺️
“There is nothing more terrifying than the absoluteness of one who believes he's right.”
― Libba Bray, The Diviners
“It's our choices that matter in the end. Not wishes, not words, not promises.”
― Alexandra Bracken, Passenger
I was so sad to see this series go! I really enjoyed the Lunar Chronicles world. I still have Stars Above to read and then we that the Iko graphic novels coming, so it's not all bad. This was the perfect end to a really great series.
"Love is giving the world away, and being loved is having the whole world to give."
ABSOLUTE MUST READ! If you haven't already, make sure you pick up this stunning book by Samantha Shannon. I was hooked at chapter one! I'm so terrified to pick up its sequel though? Every time I start it I end up putting it back down, haha. Fingers crossed it doesn't kill me 😂
I was so incredibly thrilled about this book until the ending (though I've been informed by one of my lovely book club members that the books follow on from each other immediately) idk, it would have been a 5/5 if the ending had grabbed me 😕
I literally keep forgetting to write a review on this book because I really loved it so much! It was written in a really interesting way, from the point of view of someone "normal" in a world where superheroes live, such an amazing concept!
I have a long review of this up on my blog, but I just wanted to say again how amazing this book was. The Siren follows Kahlen and her Siren Sisters as they complete their 100 service to the ocean and I feel I will always adore this book!