This was a beautiful and empowering story of a girl overcoming her fears and working through mental illness. It's s fantastic story with totally made me tear up in some spots. A must have on your to read list.
This was a beautiful and empowering story of a girl overcoming her fears and working through mental illness. It's s fantastic story with totally made me tear up in some spots. A must have on your to read list.
Family history has never been soo juicy! As family curses goes this is a pretty interesting one. If you love the circus/gypsy life and books then give this a go.
I loved the different point of views from the characters! Such a good read!
Good plot and well thought out but I can't pin point exactly what made me not love this book. Maybe the flow? I don't know...
I like the book, I thought it was well written and interesting with some great wit thrown in.
So sweet and adorable this book with such a great imagination throughout it! I laughed, I awwwwed, and I fell completely into the story!
Wow! This was incredibly written and you hardly ever see anything written in the villains perspective. Fantastic story
Well! You'll probably never look at your bestie the same way ever again! An amazing story of friendship and not all is at it seems! This had me intrigued all the way until the end and you never really know what truly happened. An amazing read.
I loved this!!!! I devoured it over two days! Great plot and I love time travel which is always a bonus! I loved the talents that they had and can't wait to read the sequel!
Okay I like the book so far but I just can't get into it :( I'll try another time.
The first chapter drew me in but I didn't like the characters.
If you like secret dragon societies, secret orders set out kill secret dragon societies then you will love this book. Beautifully written and action packed I can't wait to read the next one
I liked it. It was funny, kept you hooked and wanting to see who was murdered.
This book reads like a a forgotten classic fairytale. I have never read magic that is described with such imaginative detail and its stunning. Such an amazing read I love it.
This book captures how real life works perfectly. One day it's all smiles and the next it's not. Not everything is as it seems. One of my favourites now
Well that was a good ending to a good series. Finn was still a shot character and I'm kinda of sad he didn't die. Loved Loki and Wendy and a good read
I'm enraptured with this series. I hate Finn I mean the dude is just playing with Wendy's feelings and I love Tove and hello Loki! Again a little predictable at some points but I can't wait to see how this all ends
Everything you ever thought it knew about trolls is shaken up and tossed aside in this wonderful story. A little cliched and predictable at times this is still a good start to the trilogy.
This had such great promise but I couldn't get into it. I didn't really like the style it was set out on and I couldn't even finish it. I'll try again at some point but at the moment epic bail
I'm not usually a fan of this time period but I really enjoyed this book. It was funny, surprisingly action packed and such an enjoyable read.
Such a beautiful story!!! I liked the characters and how it was set in Sydney. The family dynamics were interesting and so were the friendships. A really beautiful story.
Wow! I wasn't sure what I was getting myself into but holy crap thank god I did! The celebs are realistic, the setting perfection and the characters complex and interesting. If I hadn't have been moving I would had finished this the day I bought it
I loved this book. My desire to go to Italy has increased thanks to the beautiful writing. I loved the story and how love can inspire so many different decisions. I loved the family dynamic and the romance and now I want gelato.
I wasn't sure how this would turn out having read several different reviews but I liked it. I liked how certain characters were related and wow the King is a dick. Can't wait for the second one now.
This is what every road trip should be - if your best friend was a superstar. A lovely story of friendships, family and relationships. It was cute and a fun read!
Okay I can see why this has been so popular. I really enjoyed it and although there were s lot of characters (some with the same bloody name) it was fairly easy to follow. All the characters are interesting and I will be continuing with the series.
If you liked the selection series then you will like The Glittering Court. Wonderful world building that didn't just dump it all on you and had a similar sense of the selection series but in its own unique way. Loved it!
Such a fantastic end to the series! I like how there were still some surprises (I can't say I saw Adam and Ronan coming) and yay for the ending (I won't spoil it for anyone who hasn't read it yet) and just couldn't put it down!
So I had heard good things about this book and I loved it. I loved the family dynamics but especially the friendship between the girls. Really well written and a really good story
I am a huge fan of Matthew Reilly's books and I know a lot of people didn't think one as good but I really enjoyed this one. It was clever and interesting and something different
The magic this book has draws you into the circus as if you were actually there. I loved this book and will be one I will always pull out on a rainy day.
I love the re-telling of a fairy tale and this was wonderfully done! I loved how it was in the POV of the jinni.
I wasn't sure if I could get into the book - the writing style isn't something I particularly enjoy but the characters and their lives were really interesting and I just had to know what happened. I liked the dynamics between the all the characters and how nothing is as it seems.
This is my favourite book and I read it several times a year. It's such a beautiful story of friendship and finding out who you are. Love Elsbeth Edgar's book she is one of my favourite authors
Usually I am wary of sequels. Sometimes a story needs to end but with this book so glad it didn't end with the first one. Jenny Han has made me fall in love with the Song sisters and I just want more.
Wow! I've heard good things about this book but it was better than what anyone had prepared me for. I loved the family dynamics, the friendships and even the love triangle (? Was it a triangle or more or a square?). Such a good book
As a book nerd myself I totally related to Phoebe and the way she referenced characters into her every day life. Finished it in one go and didn't want to put it down.
I've said it before but I'm not a fan of dystopian novels BUT I really liked the concept so I have it a shot and I'm glad I did. I liked it and the way they looked at life and death but the main character annoyed me a bit and again with another "love" triangle.
I have to admit that this book wasn't what I thought it was going to be but I'm so glad I picked it up. With a hint of mystery that leaves you guessing all the way to the end this is a book was funny, sad, strange (in a good way) and allows you to take something away you didn't expect too.
A really enjoyable read with quirky characters (because who doesn't love them).
I loved this debut novel. Such an enjoyable story with complex and relatable characters. Highly recommend you give this a read
I really enjoyed this unique take on time travel and how all the characters were from different times giving them a whole new level of depth. There was no in-inspired or dull characters due to this fact.
I really enjoyed this. Yes you could see similarities between the Harry Potter world but I think she did an amazing job and loved the series and am very excited for the third instalment
I'm not usually into sci-fi but I LOVED this book! Amazing characters, witty, fast paced and above all adventurous. And I love the cover art too!
While I loved the concept of love being a disease i feel the book didn't too it justice. For me it took far too long to get into it. The main character (who predictably would go against the rules) took in my opinion far too long to make up her mind. I was more interested in her friend.
I really enjoyed this book. Again, another love triangle which I was wary at first and hope it doesn't take up a lot in the next book, but I liked both the male characters so I wasn't too put off by it.
Despite written for children this a book that can be enjoyed by all. I loved this book and couldn't put it down. Highly recommend everyone to give it a read.
So the second book didn't do me as much justice as the first. Although I liked it and it had some really good story plots I didn't devour it as I did with the first. Still I enjoyed it and will read the next one.
I enjoyed the first book in the series. Although I was a little hesitant to start (I'm not a fan of the dystopian genre) I found myself being sucked into the world. I'm not sure how I feel about the possible love triangle but I will was it and see.
I love Sherlock Holmes and certainly loved this take on the generation of Holmes and Watsons. Deductions galore and mystery abounds it was fun from start to finish.